Among other things, Community for me is share what you’re working on, sharing your knowledge, sharing your feelings and working togheter. If you SHARE you could receive feedback from someone else and feel less alone
There are a lot of people here who are working on NethServer, testing installation, trying new configurations or new modules, developing new features or fixing bugs.
Why not share it? I’m curious about them.
I’m sure that today @davidep is working on something of AMAZING @Stll0@filippo_carletti and @giacomo too.
I start first, in this days I’m working on these bugs for release a new SOGo version. Do you want help me testing new packages? you’re welcome.
Just a teaser, I need to finish some validators (php_memory_limit > post_max_size and post_max_size > maw_file_size)
The beta is nearly finished, of course I will push the code to my git account and after that you are welcome to comment, for now, I don’t have used shorcuts in the code, it was a first attempt in nethgui
If you think that we can add more settings to apache, please say it.