NethServer Version: v7RC3 Module:
Does anyone have any experience with loading “elrepo” drivers into nethserver (more specifically kmod-forcedeth driver). My experience is it seems to work well with CentOS 7.3, but seems to kill DNS with Nethserver.
I see some comments on elrepo that their drivers won’t always work with “distributions known to break kernel ABI compatibility”.
I’ve tried installing a couple of different ways:
Nethserver then driver,
CentOS, then driver, then “nethserver-install”
Configuration of DNS from Nethserver web interface looks good, and “services” reports dnsmasq is running.
IP address based connections are fine.
I use some elrepo ethernet drivers on different servers without problems.
Honestly, I never used forcedeth, but I don’t think the DNS is linked to a driver in any way.
The order of installation shouldn’t matter.
To diagnose DNS issues, try with: grep server= /etc/dnsmasq.conf
You should see the DNS you have configured.
run ‘first install’, and reboot
ping - ERROR - cannot resolve
Manually update DNS from Nethserver web interface, reboot
ping - ERROR - cannot resolve
If the install process is repeated on a VM without the driver install, then nothing breaks.
Yet from the above steps, installing CentOS with the driver and updates but no nethserver, then nothing breaks either.
Presumably I can manually add in server= and things might start working, but a subsequent change to the DNS settings from Nethserver will then not work.
There’s no obvious error messages in the log files
Just looked at /etc/dnsmasq.conf rather than just grep’ing it.
The dnsmasq.conf file is NOT getting overwritten with the nethserver templated one.
Part of install/config fails maybe??
[root@server02 ~]# signal-event nethserver-dnsmasq-update
[root@server02 ~]#
(ie no error returned)
vi /etc/dnsmasq.conf
’# Configuration file for dnsmasq.
’# Format is one option per line, legal options are the same
’# as the long options legal on the command line. See
’# “/usr/sbin/dnsmasq --help” or “man 8 dnsmasq” for details.
ie file still not changed.
Anything else to try ??
A little hint to add into documentation for update/upgrade, @docs_team: notify that if an installation is using elrepo driver for a network adapter (like my test-install) this card could possibly not be available during part of the update process.
In fact, this card disappeared after an update/upgrade to 7.4. Luckily, another interface was available so was able to reconfigure as red interface, therefore after another update-process the interface was again available.