today i have installed e test machine, with e-mail server and nextcloud.
All work fine, but when i tryed change the theme in nextcloud i have had a surprise.
I login with admin account, but i can’t edit theme becouse it isn’t present the app page.
With nextcloud 12.0.4 i haven’t this problem.
In /usr/share/nextcloud/config/config.php i have add
‘theme’ => ‘’,
but nothing changed
Anyone have the same problem?
Anyone have a solution for enable web page for editing theme, if possible i won’t create a manual theme.
What you’re showing there is not what you get when you log in with the Nextcloud admin account (which is separate from the system admin account). Log in as admin with a password of Nethesis,1234 and you should see the options you expect (and then change the password to something secure).
I have specially changed the admin password and I have assumed that accessing with
U: admin
P: my new password
it worked … but I entered as an admin without permission …
Now I noticed (on your suggestion) that admin can enter with 2 passwords … (Nethesis, 1234 and "my new password)"
I do not find it very normal, but I adapt …
now I’m 100% cheated
I have re-changed the password then
admin @ domain and admin
they have the same password, both login, but they are not administrators to edit the themes
and admin with password Nethesis, 1234 no longer login … ideee?