Testing NethServer 7.5.1804 alpha

I couldn’t reproduce it for now (/cc @m.traeumner)
Tried using following machines as remote DC:

  • Windows 2012r2
  • NethServer 7.4

Since the error is “Server not found in Kerberos database.”, you probably have some network troubles, maybe only on DNS resolution. Are you sure you don’t have multiple DC on the same forest?

When the messages are showing? During access to the Server Manager?

EDIT: also tested using NS 7.5 as remote DC.


@quality_team, “QA hot points”: did we check them all?


Samba: authenticated access to file shares
Mail server
    sending and receiving mail
    antivirus filter on received mail
    basic mail features
    access to calendars and contacts
Web proxy
    web access with transparent proxy
    antivirus filter on using EICAR test
Web applications (eg. NextCloud)
Asterisk with dahdi kernel modules and FreePBX

this is my config.

no :wink: one domain one forest 3 DC

usually, on Status\Dashboard or in Management\Users and group…

i too think something on the net or some timeout on AD server (Users
819,Groups 298, Machine accounts 1843)i must investigate…
so as not related to 7.5 i think we can split this (or i reopen in future) in a new thread and go on here with testing 7.5

I’ve a pull request that @nrauso is testing for us that could help you… Do you want to give it a spin?

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You need to access the right metadata, so make sure:

  • to have installed latest forge release nethserver-nethforge-release-7-1.ns7.noarch
  • to fix the release version: echo '7.5.1804' > /etc/yum/vars/nsrelease

I checked Asterisk and Dahdi … at least the dahdi module is loaded after reboot, I don’t want to learn something more on it :smiley: /cc @Stll0

EDIT: honestly, the only thing I didn’t check from the list is access to Samba shares.


i don’t think…
personally, being in alpha, usually, I try to check that everything is installable correctly and then go on with more detailed tests on individual packages

and judging by the messages of the last few weeks I would add to the hot points also
Deep packet inspection (DPI) (upgrade and installation)

I would keep it in alpha for a few days (for the things I miss to test)
if instead others already have at least installed everything … let us know :slight_smile:


You’re right, we can wait and get more feedback!

If someone decides today to :bomb: push tha button and upgrade to CentOS 7.5, the open problems are

  • the nDPI and dahdi kernel modules that have been recompiled
  • the nut package from EPEL

The same problems occur also for new installations on a fresh CentOS 7.5.

In any case, as workaround I’d suggest How to lock to a specific distribution release


updating now… i was almost sure i’ve updated 3 hours ago… :slight_smile:
btw, i only see the package after a yum clean & update from shell. installed with others (now i am in beta) but Virtual machines manager is still there

ah i don’t know if the fstab-update event here can give problems…

yes… i missed it! tnx, bookmarked

Yes there’s a nethserver-release update named “beta”. However consider it still “alpha” until we turn the symbolic link in repository from 7 -> 7.4.1708 to 7 -> 7.5.1805!

… here Index of /nethserver

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3 hours are a looong time these days :stuck_out_tongue:

I confirm that groups metadata should be ok, this is the actual file.
By the way everything should be simpler to test when we switch the directly to 7.5.

Another great catch: it doesn’t have side-effects but the migration procedure will be marked as failed. I’m going to remove it, thank you!

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i have some problem with email(2) and sogo, those are my installation steps

Install 7.5a2 in interactive mode (dhcp), then

# yum install yum-utils -y  && yum-config-manager --enable nethserver-testing
# mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/yum/vars/nsrelease/ && echo 7.5.1804 > /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/yum/vars/nsrelease/00version_lock && expand-template /etc/yum/vars/nsrelease
# yum -y install htop mc iotop iptraf iftop bash-completion bash-completion-extras mlocate && updatedb
# yum clean all && rm -rf /var/cache/yum


some errors in logs:
illegal attempt to update using time 1526542587 when last update time is 1526549754 (minimum one second step)

SoftwareCenter -> Update: no error, new kernel, so reboot (webwirt manager present)
after reboot:
SoftwareCenter > 	Update: no update
					WebVirtManager: present
					Install: Email+disclaimer, Pop3 Connector, SMTP proxy = no errors in webui
					on logs: 	systemd: Failed to start clamd scanner (rspamd) daemon.
								systemd: Unit clamd@rspamd.service entered failed state.
								systemd: clamd@rspamd.service failed.
reboot, now clamd@rspamd.service is active
SoftwareCenter > 	Update: no update
					WebVirtManager: present
					Install: Sogo
					on logs:	 esmith::event[3376]: ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'sogo.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
								 esmith::event[3376]: Action: /etc/e-smith/events/nethserver-sogo-update/S30nethserver-sogo-MigrationV3.2.10ToV4.0.0 FAILED: 1 [0.684798]
								 esmith::event[3376]: Event: nethserver-sogo-update FAILED
					on webui: error img

just to be sure, i will try to replicate…

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This is a collectd warning, it happens often in many installations.

It seems you’re not accessing the latest repositories, the sogo error has been fixed and the rpm is available here.

Bear in mind you should fix all repos to 7.5.1804: GitHub - NethServer/nethserver-release

About the error on mail server, I will try to reproduce it.

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i think the steps i do after install should lock me to 7.5.1804

# yum info nethserver-sogo
Loaded plugins: changelog, fastestmirror, nethserver_events
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mi.mirror.garr.it
 * epel: ftp.wrz.de
 * extras: mi.mirror.garr.it
 * updates: mi.mirror.garr.it
Available Packages
Name        : nethserver-sogo
Arch        : noarch
Version     : 1.7.2
Release     : 1.ns7
Size        : 47 k
Repo        : nethforge/7/x86_64
Summary     : NethServer SOGo configuration
URL         : http://github.com/NethServer/nethserver-sogo
License     : GPL
Description : NethServer SOGo configuration

# yum repolist 
Loaded plugins: changelog, fastestmirror, nethserver_events
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mi.mirror.garr.it
 * epel: ftp.wrz.de
 * extras: mi.mirror.garr.it
 * updates: mi.mirror.garr.it
repo id                                          repo name                                                           status
base/7/x86_64                                    CentOS-7 - Base                                                      9,911
centos-sclo-rh/x86_64                            CentOS-7 - SCLo rh                                                   7,050
centos-sclo-sclo/x86_64                          CentOS-7 - SCLo sclo                                                   521
epel/x86_64                                      Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64                      12,542
extras/7/x86_64                                  CentOS-7 - Extras                                                      258
nethforge/7/x86_64                               NethForge 7                                                             22
nethserver-base/7/x86_64                         NethServer-7 - Base                                                    288
nethserver-testing/7/x86_64                      NethServer-7 - Testing                                                   3
nethserver-updates/7/x86_64                      NethServer-7 - Updates                                                   0
updates/7/x86_64                                 CentOS-7 - Updates                                                     15

or in repolist -v
Repo-id : nethserver-testing/7/x86_64
Repo-name : NethServer-7 - Testing
Repo-revision: 1526547781
Repo-updated : Thu May 17 11:03:02 2018
Repo-pkgs : 3
Repo-size : 106 M
Repo-mirrors : http://mirrorlist.nethserver.org/?release=7&repo=testing&arch=x86_64&nsrelease=7.5.1804
Repo-baseurl : Index of /nethserver/7.5.1804/testing/x86_64
Repo-expire : 21,600 second(s) (last: Thu May 17 12:28:44 2018)
Filter : read-only:present
Repo-filename: /etc/yum.repos.d/NethServer.repo

for nethforge:
# rpm -qa nethserver-nethforge-release

probably i’m missing something… :thinking:

edit: new vm, same steps now there is no webvirt :thinking::smirk:

Please ensure your NethForge.repo file has been updated with latest change that fixes the “nsrelease” variable:

Add $nsrelease variable to mirrorlist query by DavidePrincipi · Pull Request #1 · NethServer/nethserver-nethforge-release · GitHub

It’s required by “locking-to-a-specific-distribution-release” procedure

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yes, there had to be some problem with the repo (even if I do not understand why,I use the same procedure) now seems to be all ok both with mail (2) and with sogo (and webvirt)
I’m sorry to have wasted your time :pensive::innocent:
step to test other

No waste at all! Double check is always good :wink:

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The beta ISO is ready to be tested before GA:

It’s basically the same as alpha but all NS RPM have been rebuilt, I don’t expect any real difference from the previous one.

After install, you should still fix repository link using:

echo 7.5.1804 > /etc/yum/vars/nsrelease

@giacomo i was thinking (reading posts on forum) that maybe before go on with tests of installation from iso it’s better to spend some time in test upgrade from 7.4 to 7.5beta

could you like please write the correct upgrade procedure so i will be sure to not make errors, and maybe some others can help us in testing?

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This is the procedure:

  1. Get latest upstream updates:

    yum clean all && yum update
  2. Update NS repositories:

     yum install http://packages.nethserver.org/nethserver/7.5.1804/base/x86_64/Packages/nethserver-release-7-6.ns7.noarch.rpm
  3. Fix NethServer release number

    echo 7.5.1804 > /etc/yum/vars/nsrelease
  4. Update everything again

    yum clean all && yum update
  5. Everything should already work, but as final step, reboot the machine to load the new kernel:
