(Michael Träumner)
April 22, 2020, 4:49am
hope you are all fine.
I have a question about the additional tags you can set if you create a new threat at support category for example. When will they be shown and when not? For example some screenshots and the links to the threads.
NethServer Version: 7.7.1908
Module: Dedalo Hotspot Manager
@mrmarkuz and me are trying to setup dedalo with an local installation of icaro on a centOS 8. The installation and provisioning of vagrant with icaro went fine, but if we want to call any webaddress to customize the manager we get an ssl error.
[Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-28 um 11.30.10]
Caddy start page without ssl works fine.
I’ve tried with the self_signed option at all.yml file and Markus tried both, self_signed and letsenc…
But others are shown
If I try to add a website at cockpit to the squid whitelist it is not saved, if you click on “Save”. If I add this entry at the old server manager it is saved and you can see it at cockpit.
(Giacomo Sanchietti)
April 22, 2020, 7:11am
I thought that tags were always visible.
Maybe @alefattorini can help here!
April 22, 2020, 12:41pm
If the tag is part of the title of the thread they are active but hidden.
Sorry for the late reply. As @dnutan said there that option. I think it’s correct to don’t permit it
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Yes of course, if I know it’s no problem.