Suggestions for a Cloud storage module

I am thinking about creating an NS module, a module that will offer Cloud storage.

Roundcube is a module that offers webmail access,
Nextcloud is a module that offers webmail, cloud storage access and much more of course.

My point is to have a Module that does just that, nothing fancy AND no strings attached.

Samba … is a M$ thing, has no place on the internet, on the top of it you need to make your NS an AD, which even worse at my eyes.

Ftp is dead …

This NS Module, should be something plugable to other NS Modules, like NC or RouncCube etc …

NC has many “drivers”, Roundcube has plugins here and there for seafile and others too, for example.

So I am thinking about using SeaFile, I’v had a good feeling about it, it is fast, which means alot of things.

Also: Seafile can access and use collabora online office, another great module .

If anyone can point at me another solution, I ll be more than glad to read it,
or anyother remark .


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Sounds like you want Nextcloud without installing any of its applications.

No it doesnt,
NC is a suite with many features, one of them is cloud storage.
It has tens of modules, thus used for alot of things, there is even a map and weather module,
With enought money and relations, you can use that to destroy all of google’s ecosystem.
So, NC is not a cloud storage solution.

It is if you want it to be. You can install those other features, but you don’t have to.

That’s not the goal, please read my post carefully, you could see that I took NC’s example because of this mis-use/comprehention,
The needed thing is a Cloud storage solution.
We have modules that have that sub-module, like NC.
Do you enjoy upgrading CentOS, then upgrade NS, then upgrade NC then upgrade NC’s applications ?
I dont, I would like to offer a pure cloud storage solution independant and strings free.
If you dont, that is your decision.
I am waiting on others remarks and thaughts.
Thank you.


Hi Remi

I don’t know what you’re doing wrong, but in more than 5 years using NethServer I NEVER had to upgrade Centos - or NC for that matter. NethServer did both rather well. I’m not saying completly bug free, but no product is bug free…

And Samba? If we’re talking about a cloud server, a “hosted” NethServer can use LDAP as auth provider, and provide “Cloud” Sharing. LDAP IS an Internet Standard, unlike samba, where you are right that you do not open a share on the Internet!

And the Mobile Apps (iOS / Android) in NC work just as well, if needed. If you want to re-invent the wheel, fine. A wheel is round, by the way… :slight_smile:

For me and my 30 clients, NC works well as a cloud solution. No itch there…

My 2 cents

Note: I did update / upgrade Centos in the last 5 years - but only on Centos servers!

Not exactly what you are asking for but maybe interesting:
filestash (docker-based), Seafile on neth, Any opinions about Pydio?, cozy (but debian-centric)

You might find something more at

Yes I was looking into Pydio this afternoon, I just double checked again,
It supports webdav at the least too … :slight_smile:

I will compile it and test it, to have and idea and how it is perfwise and configurationwise …

Thank you

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I’m pretty familiar with NC (I’ve been using it pretty much ever since it forked from Owncloud), and I think you’re mistaken. NC is cloud storage. That’s what it’s designed to do, that’s its core functionality–it isn’t an optional part, something extra to install, or something that can be turned off. IOW, no, it isn’t a “sub-module”, it’s the core of what it’s designed to do. Nextcloud is precisely what you say you’re looking for. The fact that you can optionally install apps that add functionality does not make it any less a cloud storage solution–and if it did, then Seafile wouldn’t qualify either, since (as you say) it supports online document editing using Collabora.

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Yes, I am a long time user of NC too.

And my experience shows that NC became not what it was, it was a CloudStorage solution,
Aparently I could be wrong, but all the added hooks for an even not activated “other” module, made NC very bloated and slow.
And is also prone to catastrophies when it comes to handling users, you know that NC handles users independently from NS ?
Yes it checks for users in the NS’s database (like ldap) but also handles users internally without the consent of NS, for example: if you have a user called Elvis, Elvis was added to NS.
X or Y NC’s admin adds a user called Elvis too (in NC).
When you login to NC, if the password matches NS’s database: you are logged in as user A,
if the password matches NC’s database, you are logged as user B.
I recognise that I havent experimented the situation where the password on NS’s database and NC’s database matches, meaning are the same, it must be a very interesting experience.
And the current NC’s implementation in NS is not clean: the is a problem with the “user name”, that makes it for example almost impossible to have a proper automatic email configuration for users that are in the NS’s database.

And in my logic, NC became a trap,
If you install NC, you will sooner or later intall another module, and there you are stuck with NC’s ecosystem.

NC is a very good ecosystem, the german and the french administration use it, this kind of customers are very serious,
Why ? because NC offers those other modules, the said ecosystem.
Otherwise a simple file server with a ridiculous VPN, if wanted, can save the day.

Seafile & Pydio do handle an online office solution, it is good news, but that’s about it, they are way far from the elephan that became NC…



If you connect NC to AD or LDAP and still add in local users, you’re not quite understanding how NC works…
The local user should ONLY be used to assure the AD or LDAP works as needed, and give another User NC admin rights.
Nothing more nothing less…

If NC is slow, then you have either poor IO on your server, or not enough memory and too many things running.

NC on NethServer can be quite performant in an environment with around 50 active users (All in AD) - but needs to be planned and operate as such…

My clients are happy with NC, and use it also to share to their clients. (Non NC users…)

My 2 cents

BTW, Remi, please do not take this post as personal - I value your contributions here a lot and do not intend an insult. You asked for a feedback, the idea is OK, but not quite the reasoning…
NC as such works very well, and also quite performant, if set up as suggested for the planned environmental size. As such, also my 25 clients actively using NC are quite happy with it.

As the old saying goes: If it’s not broken, don’t fix it! :slight_smile:

Well, unfortunately I do understand it, and that’s how I was able to produce this issue with NC, and you confirmed it.
If a system can be broken, then it will break … (murphy?), perso I am against arm regulation (guns), but I do admit the fact that: it will increase the number of deaths by gun-fire, that is a fact, I can’t deny it, I am like you an ICT, thus I beleive in science … math and logic.
And personaly, I’d rather have module that is well anchored in NS, software that are too much independent from NS make NS look like no more than a package manager … and that, there are alot of them …
Well, let say: my NC is slow because of my poor IO, RAM or CPU, thus isnt a better choise to use a solution that doesnt need that much resources ?
I remind you that, as many many pieces of software, all the true dev. behind them, spend “the rest” of “their life” debugging and optimising their product, one goal is: bugs, the other is performance,
so I as many other admins, spend our time to find ways to make services use less resources and logically perform faster.
Just spend some time reading the changelogs at, many times half of it is about perf hunting :wink:
You seem like from the same generation as me, a little bit more than 10 years ago, we used to say: “Damn, I had to buy a new stick of ram to run that thing” …(it was a M$ product … lol)
Also, we need not to forget a good chunck of our contributors and users, that are in countries where getting a new CPU or a stick of RAM is a nightmare, provisioning wise and finacially wise … without talking about embargoed countries,
So I think we shouldnt oblige one buy a xeon if he can only have an SBC …

So yes, I know that your customers are happy, You are their guy, that gave them this thing, that works very well, for them, you made a great choise and we have the proof of it.
but this solution can not make happy everyone else as explained earlier,
So I never said NC is junk, drop it, …and use “my” pydio or sf …
I am proposing a similar thing that has a different aproach…,

Doesnt NS have more then One webmail solution ? some are super light, some are light and some are heavy … and each of these adjectives can be positive of negative , depending on “who” needs them …

a super quick roundcube in PHP, and Webtop5 than needs a factory: Tomacat/Java … or businessCube that needs M$Sql and that in a docker image if I remember,

So even if I am wrong, we must agree on that: it is not a duplicate, it is an amternative, the whole philosofy of GNU/Linux for example: It has never been ment to replace Windows, but it is presented as a (better?) alternative to a very commonly used desktop OS.

A software is very RERELY not broken from the start ! :wink:
Even the manpage of ls / binutils has been modified again, meaning something directly or indirectly in binutils has had an “issue” since the 90’ !
An for many a perf issue is considered as a broken thing.
Each has his ways.
Thank you Andy

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:slight_smile: FYI,

I’am planning on using OwnCloud,
It will be alot less time consuming to add, because

There is already an RPM for it,
The said RPM is in EPEL,
which means it is indirectly an official package (sorry @stephdl :stuck_out_tongue: ).

And psychologically … it is less stressfull for NC users to use OC (they are “cousins” after all :wink: ) than SeaFile ou other CloudThingy.

It has, LDAP natively without charge, with SSO, and webdav … .

I admit, I got very lucky,
I wont deserve any real credit, because … I will simply port the work on NC to OC .

B. Regards.

gpunk, is what gtar is to tar .

Hum why to invent the wheel again, who still use owncloud, nextcloud has won the war

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Because somehow Nextcloud isn’t “cloud storage” (despite that being exactly what it is), but apparently Owncloud is. Go figure, I don’t get it either. But there’s something to be said for someone else maintaining the base RPM.

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I am repeating my self for the 6th time I think,
NC is a cloud S, I never said the contrary .

NS has a trillion WebMail solution, no one “complained” or criticised.
I do not “care” about your personal experience on your machines.

To Me NC has so many features, that it became too heavy for some systems.
I have my own experience, and environment. I might be with a pentium2 in a bolivian cave working for the FARKS , can you garantee that is not the case ?
I do not worry about your opinion, we have a kind of free thinking, for at least another decade.

So I want to have a lighter solution, for me, and some other weirdos.

If you do not “agree”, you are super-free to not use it, if I ever do it, and super-free to not waste your time on this thread, as you know, noone can empeach me from doing it.
and super-free to not upset me by this kind of impolite remarks.

There are many countries, where suicide is Legal.
In the name of Respect, that is.

So talking about me , like I was an idiot playing with a screw-driver in a zepplin is very impolite.

I think that is called trolling, … do you know Socrates and his filters ?
what you are saying has Zero positive value to me and to the readers,
meaning it is waste of time, yours mine and the reader.

Now, I was going to test OC, and just saw nethserver-owncloud.noarch

So As Funny As it Can be, someone else shot him self in the foot , way before me :slight_smile:
That is what we call … ( I will find the word later, I am tired) .

but not trace of OC in the software center of NS .

So, you both didnt know about that .

That is the funniest part I think .

Cheers brothers

and remeber: gtar is not tar :slight_smile:

killall $0 -HUP :slight_smile:

I have just tested it, OC is in NS for ages, so “I am not alone”
This installation took 2,5 seconds. (after yum install …)
Put your passwords and your in.

I have done the test on a busyer machine than my NC machine,
And it has a lower specs.
I see OC running so fast it feels like a native desktop application.

I will so, present an NS-cockpit inteface to it, when ever I have the time .


Indeed former implementation done a long time ago for ns6 IIRC.

Last owncloud update is

owncloud-3rdparty-7…> 2017-04-20 18:17 289K
owncloud-7.0.13-1.1…> 2017-04-20 18:17 27M

You are free to do what you want mate.