Well, unfortunately I do understand it, and that’s how I was able to produce this issue with NC, and you confirmed it.
If a system can be broken, then it will break … (murphy?), perso I am against arm regulation (guns), but I do admit the fact that: it will increase the number of deaths by gun-fire, that is a fact, I can’t deny it, I am like you an ICT, thus I beleive in science … math and logic.
And personaly, I’d rather have module that is well anchored in NS, software that are too much independent from NS make NS look like no more than a package manager … and that, there are alot of them …
Well, let say: my NC is slow because of my poor IO, RAM or CPU, thus isnt a better choise to use a solution that doesnt need that much resources ?
I remind you that, as many many pieces of software, all the true dev. behind them, spend “the rest” of “their life” debugging and optimising their product, one goal is: bugs, the other is performance,
so I as many other admins, spend our time to find ways to make services use less resources and logically perform faster.
Just spend some time reading the changelogs at kernel.org, many times half of it is about perf hunting
You seem like from the same generation as me, a little bit more than 10 years ago, we used to say: “Damn, I had to buy a new stick of ram to run that thing” …(it was a M$ product … lol)
Also, we need not to forget a good chunck of our contributors and users, that are in countries where getting a new CPU or a stick of RAM is a nightmare, provisioning wise and finacially wise … without talking about embargoed countries,
So I think we shouldnt oblige one buy a xeon if he can only have an SBC …
So yes, I know that your customers are happy, You are their guy, that gave them this thing, that works very well, for them, you made a great choise and we have the proof of it.
but this solution can not make happy everyone else as explained earlier,
So I never said NC is junk, drop it, …and use “my” pydio or sf …
I am proposing a similar thing that has a different aproach…,
Doesnt NS have more then One webmail solution ? some are super light, some are light and some are heavy … and each of these adjectives can be positive of negative , depending on “who” needs them …
a super quick roundcube in PHP, and Webtop5 than needs a factory: Tomacat/Java … or businessCube that needs M$Sql and that in a docker image if I remember,
So even if I am wrong, we must agree on that: it is not a duplicate, it is an amternative, the whole philosofy of GNU/Linux for example: It has never been ment to replace Windows, but it is presented as a (better?) alternative to a very commonly used desktop OS.
A software is very RERELY not broken from the start !
Even the manpage of ls / binutils has been modified again, meaning something directly or indirectly in binutils has had an “issue” since the 90’ !
An for many a perf issue is considered as a broken thing.
Each has his ways.
Thank you Andy