Perfecto ya lo tengo, tengo que ver un poco como funciona el sistema, pero
me pongo con eso.
@mabeleira aquí @davidep nos coloco la ayuda de GitHub.
Soon it is the birth of my son, and I was a little busy in the proceedings to clinical consultations with my wife.
and I resumed the Spanish translations of help files.
Status of Translations, translated and proofread 34.
It remains to translate and correct 19.
I hope to have them translated into half of this week, maybe tomorrow
Good luck man to you and to your wife/son let us know how it goes!
So it will be, Friend.
I have concluded Translations and modifications.
I will be in constant reviews and adaptations to Spanish translations. 53 / 53
I’m sorry i was supposed to help, but this been rough weeks at work.
I moved 5 posts to a new topic: My son was born Aaron Emanuel
Do not worry friend.
Great work @jgjimenezs and @mabeleira!
Just merged your branch! You’ll find the help files in testing repository:
BTW, the package should also fix #3187.
That’s amazing!! great workkk
Please man write down a small howto to encourage people to work on manual translation. We need you
I’m on that friend, I will be posting soon
Good! You deserve this title
Great! I love and work to help my great community NethServer