SoGo gives a lot of PID timeouts


Just a question about Sogo
It is running good, but i see a lot PID timeout errors in the log
Is this normal ? It look it holds the push mail sometimes for a short period

When i google this it gives me not much info
I tried to expand the workers but this gives no other result

2024-11-14T19:16:20+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:16:20 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438b36e0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 113 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 6 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:16:28+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:16:28 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438b39b0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 119 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 11 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:16:44+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:16:44 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438d0010[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 120 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 4 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:17:11+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:17:11 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb4389db20[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 105 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 32 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:17:20+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:17:20 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438b36e0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 113 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 7 minutes 2024-11-14T19:17:28+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:17:28 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438b39b0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 119 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 12 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:17:44+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:17:44 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438d0010[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 120 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 5 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:18:11+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:18:11 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb4389db20[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 105 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 33 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:18:20+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:18:20 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438b5340[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 115 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 1 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:18:20+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:18:20 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438b36e0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 113 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 8 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:18:28+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:18:28 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438b39b0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 119 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 13 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:19:11+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:19:11 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb4389db20[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 105 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 34 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:19:20+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:19:20 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438b5340[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 115 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 2 minutes 
2024-11-14T19:19:20+01:00 [1:sogo1:sogo-app] Nov 14 19:19:20 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55eb438b36e0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 113 <mark>has been hanging in the same</mark> request for 9 minutes

I think it is a normal log messages. Activsync has released the pid

You have some messages more important to track. It could come from a lack of workers

I’ve seen this post and tried it.
Did not make any difference


I made a ticket on the Sogo platform 0006088: WOWatchDogChild pid has been hanging - SOGo | BTS

What is the best way to enable debug mode on Sogo?

SOGoDebugRequests = YES;

I noticed that in the SOGo.conf the timeout=360 and i saw that it is advised to set this to timeout=3600
Has this been set to 360 with a reason ?

How can i change this to survice an update ?

which timeout

this one can be adjusted by an environment variable

Hi Stephane

I mean this setting in SOGo.conf

ProxyPass /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync \ \
 retry=60 connectiontimeout=5 timeout=3600

Don’t confuse sogo.conf with SOGo.conf.
Strange to have both the (almost) same names in the same directory

See also other posts on this forum with the setting : timeout=3600

seems a typo of me, we used 3600 with NS7

but the documentation of sSOGo states on 360

The above line sets a timeout for up to 360 seconds, or 6 minutes. If you want to let EAS clients keep their HTTP connections open for up to an hour, you must change the timeout parameter and set it to 3600.

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change it locally in the tempalet and check what it occurs

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we set the directive to


I think it is safe to push to 3600


I had changed yesterday timeout=3600 and WOWatchDogRequestTimeout = 60 in the template and i experienced today an improvement.

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I have released a version with 3600 s of timeout in the reverse proxy