Sogo-4.0.7 needs testers

Hi folks

Minor upgrade of sogo to the version 4.0.7, check the announcements and changelog

yum update sogo\* sope\* --enablerepo=nethforge-testing

Should be safe enough, my server has survived

Please test and report before we release to nethforge


As desired here a short status:

a) Installaion went through without problems
b) Web interface works
c) CalDav and CardDav works
d) Calendar perfect!

It seems to me that the calendar runs much smoother than under the 4.06, but that’s my personal impression.

Everything works and works without recognizable errors!


Works very smooth ! THX

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Update worked smooth and without issue.

I have the same impression as @gerald_FS, that the webinterface runs more responsive than before.

Thanks a lot for your work Stephane!!

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