Samba stopped and can't restart

Hello everyone,

issue 1:
I have/had a file share up and running. No I can’t connect anymore at “Services” Samba is “stopped” and when I press “start” it asks for confirmation and then nothing happens.

I looked in the software center where “file server” appears no as uninstalled. If I install it the process is completed with success, but it appears still as uninstalled afterwards.

The things I did in the last hours/days where:

Has anybody an idea what to do?

issue 2:

I cannot restore the configuration:

Task completed with errors
Reconfiguring system #5 (exit status 1)
Event post-restore-config failed

Maybe you removed some packages?

Try this, blind shot:

yum install nethserver-samba

Then, if samba still doesn’t work. just paste the relevant part from /var/log/messages and the output of

journalctl -u smb

It seems all packages are well isntalled.
This is the ouput after trying to start the service:

Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor.fmhm.local systemd[1]: Starting Samba SMB Daemon…
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor.fmhm.local smbd[7584]: [2018/04/17 10:47:09.431467, 0] …/lib/param/loadparm.c:1119(lp_set_enum_parm)
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor.fmhm.local smbd[7584]: WARNING: Ignoring invalid value ‘disablebash: indent: command not found’ for parameter 'csc policy’
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor.fmhm.local systemd[1]: smb.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor.fmhm.local systemd[1]: Failed to start Samba SMB Daemon.
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor.fmhm.local systemd[1]: Unit smb.service entered failed state.
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor.fmhm.local systemd[1]: smb.service failed.

edit: the other output you’ve asked for:

Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor control-service: smb start
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor systemd: Starting Samba SMB Daemon…
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor smbd[7584]: [2018/04/17 10:47:09.431467, 0] …/lib/param/loadparm.c:1119(lp_set_enum_parm)
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor smbd[7584]: WARNING: Ignoring invalid value ‘disablebash: indent: command not found’ for parameter 'csc policy’
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor systemd: smb.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor systemd: Failed to start Samba SMB Daemon.
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor systemd: Unit smb.service entered failed state.
Apr 17 10:47:09 servidor systemd: smb.service failed.
Apr 17 10:47:18 servidor chronyd[5640]: Selected source

Maybe you did some changes to config files or custom templates and did not apply them. They were applied with the update and since the update samba is not starting anymore.

You may test the samba config with testparm. It seems like there’s a mistake in csc policy definition in /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/samba/smb.conf/71profiles

You may move away the custom template and reconfigure samba:

mv /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/samba/smb.conf/71profiles ~
signal-event nethserver-samba-update

Maybe the error goes away with the wrong custom template.

You may check the log /var/log/restore-config.log or try to restore via command line:

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Moving away the custom template did solve the Samba issue! My share is up and accessible again. Thank you! - so, this part seems not a bug, but my error.

I am still confused why “file server” is listed as not installed and why I can’t restore a configuration but I try to figure that out later.

Really good shot @mrmarkuz!!

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@mrmarkuz opened a bug-report for it: