Root Mail Address

NethServer Version: 7.5
Module: Email

Is it possible to not receive any email on root@ account?
Because I already receive emails an admin@ account…


Davide’s post here shows how to route root’s mail to a different user.


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But emails already arrive to other user… but today I opened root mail and there was 200 mails…

That were originally addressed to root ??

Do you recognise what sent them.


Yes, they were originally addressed to root.

Emails that appears also in root mail are sent from root.

In my notes, I have the following:

Move (not copy) mail from root -> admin
config setprop root KeepMessageCopy no

Unfortunately, I can’t remember where I originally saw this mentioned.



In your opinion if I try config command, emails are deliver to admin but not conserved in root?

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I’ve tried but emails arrives also in root…

Back to (sorta) the original questions.

How are you re-directing the mails originally sent to root to the alternative address.

What is sending the mails.

And to clarify what you are saying: All the mails redirected from root to the alternate address are retained in root as well as being forwarded.


With the profile page where there is “External email address option”

The system… with root account.

A question… after this command

I have to execute a singal-event command? If yes, what command?


Almost certainly.

I don’t know, sorry. Perhaps @davidep or @giacomo can help.


I’ve try to set to “no” KeepMessageCopy but it doesn’t works…
Anyone can help me?

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Not sure but maybe:

signal-event nethserver-mail-server-update


signal-event nethserver-base-update


signal-event nethserver-base-update

If I do a backup (data) with send an email to root, the email has to arrive to admin and not keeped in root mail, correct?

It’s configured properly, but it doesn’t works…

Let’s see

 grep root /etc/aliases

postmaster: root
bin: root
daemon: root
adm: root
lp: root
sync: root
shutdown: root
halt: root
mail: root
news: root
uucp: root
operator: root
games: root
gopher: root
ftp: root
nobody: root
radiusd: root
nut: root
dbus: root
vcsa: root
canna: root
wnn: root
rpm: root
nscd: root
pcap: root
apache: root
webalizer: root
dovecot: root
fax: root
quagga: root
radvd: root
pvm: root
amandabackup: root
privoxy: root
ident: root
named: root
xfs: root
gdm: root
mailnull: root
postgres: root
sshd: root
smmsp: root
postfix: root
netdump: root
ldap: root
squid: root
ntp: root
mysql: root
desktop: root
rpcuser: root
rpc: root
nfsnobody: root
ingres: root
system: root
toor: root
manager: root
dumper: root
abuse: root
webmaster: root
noc: root
security: root
hostmaster: root
decode: root

Person who should get root’s mail

#root: marc
root: admin@domain.ext, root

That should only be:

root: admin@domain.ext

Not sure what’s adding the additional “root”, which is causing the duplicate.


@davidep any ideas?