Root disk full :

I don’t see what is using all this space …

any idea?

the /home, a separate disk for “applications” is fine :slight_smile:

182G /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes/rclone-webdav/_data/webserver/8843d6d1-12d8-445c-9256-f84b11bb702f/data
182G /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes/rclone-webdav/_data/webserver/8843d6d1-12d8-445c-9256-f84b11bb702f
182G /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes/rclone-webdav/_data/webserver
182G /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes/rclone-webdav/_data
182G /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes/rclone-webdav
182G /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes
185G /var/lib/containers/storage/

It must come from the local backup. Either a failed mount or no mount of destination storage (mount path falling to system disk), or webdav cache (if webdav protocol is really used in the background).

Rootful containers usually save images and volumes inside the /var/lib/containers/storage directory.

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that is was I thought too,


deleting the backups AND the storage in “Cockpit” didn’t lower the disk usage by not even 1 Kbyte .
So I purged the logs to have a couple gig left and rebooted,

and now I am praying …

Sys. de fichiers Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
udev               3,8G       0  3,8G   0% /dev
tmpfs              783M    1,8M  781M   1% /run
/dev/sdb2          218G    205G  2,2G  99% /
tmpfs              3,9G    756K  3,9G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs              5,0M       0  5,0M   0% /run/lock
efivarfs            64K     14K   46K  24% /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
/dev/sdb1          511M    5,9M  506M   2% /boot/efi
/dev/sda1          917G    651G  220G  75% /home
tmpfs              783M     72K  783M   1% /run/user/1003
tmpfs              783M     72K  783M   1% /run/user/1001
tmpfs              783M    180K  783M   1% /run/user/1007
tmpfs              783M    192K  783M   1% /run/user/1004
tmpfs              783M     72K  783M   1% /run/user/1005
tmpfs              783M     76K  783M   1% /run/user/1010
tmpfs              783M    176K  783M   1% /run/user/1002
tmpfs              783M    176K  783M   1% /run/user/1008
shm                 63M       0   63M   0% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay-containers/bcf102c4a03981226f528274a06940431b0a52e095796d82ec28efcf93599966/userdata/shm
overlay            218G    205G  2,2G  99% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/700682f8b8e6b86cbd4470afab242350b4ebc4216904614428d06c26f8c05ddb/merged
shm                 63M       0   63M   0% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay-containers/022eb936bfc108e63e763fcbda0b5b6a744e19d5d05c5993e0ebf7d5d6b1534b/userdata/shm
overlay            218G    205G  2,2G  99% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/052cc0c0abe2cea664eef1f4024f630ec55e7c4c3654d0875326e7ca4b16abf4/merged
shm                 63M       0   63M   0% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay-containers/e77ab2beeab975114f881e94ea038c6a475065244b07d43f3499f6affbd8d94f/userdata/shm
overlay            218G    205G  2,2G  99% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/e4e2aa7c878dda78237bc197016b2cc0fc9560a7605a24d1b0c0ef7c14037d7f/merged
shm                 63M       0   63M   0% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay-containers/d5dbc55ae11b719af26f16a5779f22433036233d2971360b870ff822a5546c8e/userdata/shm
overlay            218G    205G  2,2G  99% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/2a16eb6d41185140ecc419883bc5d6fbb155a9e1cf962d6d873eb21fbfc0d070/merged
shm                 63M       0   63M   0% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay-containers/6c0ce070fb145f39c014293994401398dc2717111bc4fc8e080f4c9c4f625591/userdata/shm
overlay            218G    205G  2,2G  99% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/20146d9216822fa176f78037e3ac33b2aee0a3e8d04bceee766e689c7768ef3e/merged
tmpfs              783M       0  783M   0% /run/user/0

I put here more infos:

the final 700Mbytes files, if I knew what they are, I’d delete them, but even fuser didnt help me .

 root  …  webserver  8843d6d1-12d8-445c-9256-f84b11bb702f  data  pwd
 root  …  webserver  8843d6d1-12d8-445c-9256-f84b11bb702f  data  du -h |wc -l
 root  …  webserver  8843d6d1-12d8-445c-9256-f84b11bb702f  data  du -h |tail

868M	./d2
840M	./8d
758M	./b5
776M	./12
695M	./7f
182G	.
 root  …  webserver  8843d6d1-12d8-445c-9256-f84b11bb702f  data  ls -l ./b5 |tail

-rw-r--r-- 1 messagebus crontab 17318588  1 mai   02:04 b5f6c5057f67b7535873c22ff06bd115a77178765023c012fa62bcce6f7723a1
-rw-r--r-- 1 messagebus crontab 19366721  1 mai   00:21 b5fc2ba104ea30f5e440552ca91afadb2432f7fb56347bd240b3aa48b479c185
-rw-r--r-- 1 messagebus crontab 16891217  1 mai   00:41 b5fe3d06dc8c7889ca15d145d5f1afd46dc2515bf9afbb1117a88fd5affacf94
 root  …  webserver  8843d6d1-12d8-445c-9256-f84b11bb702f  data  

I see this

but I don’t want to delete the files without being sure which they are …

following that post and the documentation I have

stoped rclone-webdav:

systemctl stop rclone-webdav.service

deleted the volume :

podman volume rm rclone-webdav .

It deletes the volume used by the backups as I understood .

Sys. de fichiers Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
udev               3,8G       0  3,8G   0% /dev
tmpfs              783M    2,2M  781M   1% /run
/dev/sdb2          218G     23G  185G  11% /
shm                 63M       0   63M   0% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay-containers/022eb936bfc108e63e763fcbda0b5b6a744e19d5d05c5993e0ebf7d5d6b1534b/userdata/shm
overlay            218G     23G  185G  11% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/052cc0c0abe2cea664eef1f4024f630ec55e7c4c3654d0875326e7ca4b16abf4/
shm                 63M       0   63M   0% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay-containers/99f7bd56f4aaf023815cd2ee67a20955886539c851678ddc0c8de0242222e523/userdata/shm
overlay            218G     23G  185G  11% /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/ca855879a4f4fbae43aff8ae6a801c9bb57d8205dcfe66c563d8ad455a7d5db1/merged
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8 posts were split to a new topic: Root disk almost full: merged overlay?