Problems with Onlyoffice Documentserver

NethServer Version: 7.9.2009
Module: Nextcloud 20.0.8

Hello friends,

since a short time I have problems with the Onlyoffice Documentserver.
The service fw-onlyoffice is activated but not running. I cannot connect the documentserver with my Nextcloud. This error message always appears:

Error connecting (An error occurred in the document service: Invalid token).

It is strange that my complete settings are no longer available in the server settings of Onlyoffice.
How can I solve this problem?



Seems the JWT token is wrong, please try to rewrite it with

signal-event nethserver-onlyoffice-update

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Hi mrmarkuz,

No chance. The error message remains.

Let’s try to enter it manually.

Get the JWT token (secret key) with

cat /var/lib/nethserver/secrets/onlyoffice

and enter it in the Nextcloud Onlyoffice settings.


You are simply one of the best. Thank you.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Onlyoffice 7.3 invalid token error