Problem with ActiveSync in Android-based phones


I really turn mad with Sogo :wink: i have no idea what and why it is and how to fix it. Everything works well on Webgui, Outlook 2013, IOS 11.3. But the activesync and here ONLY the Contacts are not synching with the Android Device. In Sogo.log i did not find any Info. I had this now a few times and still hate it, lol :smiley:

the only what i get in the sogo log is:
pid 23694 has been hanging in the same request for 3 minutes

If i do a new Contact on the Android device it synch normal and wrote it to sogo.

Heya @hucky,

That is a message that you should be expecting to see a lot. ActiveSync connections are being kept open for long periods of time.

Did you apply any tuning to the sogo.conf ?

Try unsetting SOGoMaximumSyncWindowSize (outcomment it for instance) and test if that helps. If so, create a custom template for the sogo.conf.

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i have figured out, if i open a contact, change something and save it, the synch works normaly.

Hi there,

I’m facing the same problem with my Samsung Galaxy S8. Contacts are not synced to the mobile whilst contacts in the mobile are synced to the server. In sogo.log I get this message when the server tries to push a changed contact to my phone:

2018-04-14 13:17:08.641 sogod[2940:2940] ERROR(-[NGLdapSearchResultEnumerator nextObject]): does not support result references yet …

Can this error message be related to the problem?


not sure it is related

How many contacts do you have to sync please, I’m experimenting some different client on android, the default one doesn’t sync more than 500 contacts, the nine clients works well, also boxer (free app)

(This is why I continue to push for a CalDAV and CardDAV servers adoption in Webtop :slight_smile: )

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I think it should be in the roadmap for this year. Am I right @lucag?

@giacomo, if I remember correctly, yes

Yes, I confirm :wink:

The Sonicle development team is already working on implementing Sabre/dav as a CalDAV and CardDAV server to be integrated into WebTop 5.
It is expected to be released with the first upgrade pack that could take place within the month of May.

Soon will be published the new Roadmap scheduled for 2018 with the issu planned for each Upgrade Pack.

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I don’t want to be the devil’s lawyer, but…

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Yes of course @saitobenkei , thanks for your clarification.
We are aware of this :wink:

We have evaluated all the other possibilities and we have also dealt with the Nextcloud friends who have always used Sabre/dav.

They also confirmed to us that there is currently no other valid Open project like Sabre/dav.
We are counting on being brought forward by the vast community that is using this project as there are also several large companies that use it.


Thank you @lucag :slight_smile:

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Sorry for my late answer. I’ve been way too busy at work.

It is about 160 contacts. My solution was to remove all of them from my phone and in SOGo move them to a temporary address book not being synced. Then I added them back, five to ten at a time. If I tried to add more of the conracts in a bunch, the syncing stopped working immediately.


Actually for activesync the best client for sogo is nine (paid app), all others were not working as expected, the official android activesync app stops the synchronization at 500 users.

For what I saw we use the correct settings, if someone wants to check the documentation.

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Hey @bragrabb, i had similar Probs in the Past and it happens only with my android devices, IOS and Outlook was never a Problem. I got from @planet_jeroen the tip:

Apply any tuning to the sogo.conf.
Try unsetting SOGoMaximumSyncWindowSize (outcomment it for instance) and test if that helps. If so, create a custom template for the sogo.conf.

At my side everything works well after unsetting the SOGoMaximumSyncWindowSize.


Thanks @hucky, I’ll give your suggestion a try. :slight_smile:

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Could you please confirm the hucky solution ?

Hi there,

A bit late, sorry about that, but I commented out “SOGoMaximumSyncWindowSize” in /etc/sogo/sogo.conf and now it works! :smile:

Many thanks for helping out @hucky. And sorry for the late, well very late actually, answer. :blush:


set this option by the esmithdb hence your change will be rewrited (zero to disable and 512 maximum)

config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumSyncWindowSize 'YourValue'  #'0' to disable
signal-event nethserver-sogo-update

esmithdb updated as per instruction. Thanx @stephdl :smile: