Openvpn module error: FORM_ENC_MULTIPART

NethServer Version: Latest

After last update when trying to log in “OpenVPN tunnels” tab, only the inscription:

[1] Undefined class constant ‘FORM_ENC_MULTIPART’

See the system log for details."

Updated 2 servers with different settings and features that are both one and the same situation.


It’s a bug. It also affects some other module, like backup configuration. Related to upload functionallty.

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These modules may be affected:
[root@testserver NethServer]# grep -rnw . -e 'FORM_ENC_MULTIPART' ./Template/FirstConfigWiz/Restore.php:4:$view->requireFlag($view::FORM_ENC_MULTIPART); ./Template/Pki/Upload.php:3:$view->requireFlag($view::FORM_ENC_MULTIPART); ./Template/BackupConfig/Upload.php:4:$view->requireFlag($view::FORM_ENC_MULTIPART); ./Template/OpenVpnTunnels/Clients/Upload.php:4:$view->requireFlag($view::FORM_ENC_MULTIPART);
EDIT: Affects fresh installations!!!
See FORM_ENC_MULTIPART error on first time config wizard

/usr/share/nethesis/Nethgui/Renderer/WidgetFactoryInterface.php and other updated files are missing from the updated packages.

You need to update also httpd-admin package, which should be released. :frowning:

I need a little time to do some checks because I don’t have a pic right now.
As a workaround, for now:

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update nethserver-httpd-admin

Are you sure?
With such a command you’ll update all packages in testing repo…

Thank you @Stefano_Zamboni for pointing out, I just updated the command (I wrote it in a hurry :wink: )

The fixed package has been released, thanks to @kelevra and @dnutan for reporting and opening the issue.
I just tried the update in our production server, no problems so far but I will leave the Github issue open until Monday for further investigations.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Hello, I did a fresh install yesterday.
All updates are done, but when I click on “Backup configuration” I get the message

[1] Undefined class constant 'FORM_ENC_MULTIPART'

See the system log for details. 

In the /var/log/httpd-admin/error_log I see

[Sat Sep 09 11:53:16.113687 2017] [:error] [pid 1853] [client] PHP Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'FORM_ENC_MULTIPART' in /usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Template/BackupConfig/Upload.php on line 4, referer:

I’ve posted here because it seems the same bug.

Definitely it is. Use the command reported in the previous post, or follow the instructions from the issue on GitHub.

Hi positiveday,
I had to comment mirrorlist and uncomment baseurl in /etc/yum.repos.d/Nethserver.repo as described in the bug report…

and change it like that

#mirrorlist=$releasever&repo=base&arch=$basearch baseurl=$releasever/base/$basearch/

and then

whick should lead to

Package Arch Version Repository Size

nethserver-httpd-admin noarch 2.0.13-1.ns7 nethserver-updates 1.6 M`

Everything working now again, thanks for issuing/bugreporting/patching over night!!! @kelevra @dnutan @giacomo and everybody I forgot to mention…

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The fixed package has propagated to all active mirrors. If still having the reported problem, update your server as usual.