I´m just getting experiences with Odoo a what I would call it egg laying wool milk pig- CRM, Invoicing, Webserver, etc. etc.growing with your business and a existing community version- As far I´ve installed it on a Ubuntu Virtual Server, but for small and medium business it would be great to have it as a module in NS
We´ve just began using it for accounting, invoicing, HR, car fleet admin, documentation, maintenance, etc.
And best of it you don´t need a client program- just a Browser to use it.
I´d be interested in your thoughts.
There was was a discussion going on with some proposals for CRM:
cc/ @pagaille @Enzo @ns_nirosh @Fred @a4rgl @robb @WillZen @ghost…, could you share your thoughts or installation steps on NethServer if someone have tried?
Great discussion!
espacially: What CRM for NethServer?
sounds interesting.
Odoo may be complex, but the features are all I ever searched for.
At the moment we´re using 3 Programs for accounting and Invoicing another for documentation and another for maintenance.
Thinking of what a new (small to medium) business needs nowadays would be from my point of view a SBS Server like NS7, a CRM/ ERP like Odoo and a Office WebApplication. With this you can use quite slim clients and I think more of 95% of software needs would be covered.
Sorry, I couldn’t find the time to install any CRM and test ist.
No problem! Tests are available in the net- and so far, I´m really enthusiastic about Odoo. So I wanted to know how other experienced.
Your thoughts on SME needs;[quote=“iglqut, post:3, topic:7593”]
Thinking of what a new (small to medium) business needs nowadays would be from my point of view a SBS Server like NS7, a CRM/ ERP like Odoo and a Office WebApplication. With this you can use quite slim clients and I think more of 95% of software needs would be covered.
are close to mine, the CRM element being ultimately decided on by the business’ activity and requirements.
See this for more detailed description of CRM
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Customer_relationship_management before deciding on one that suits you.
We did try a few (including Odoo, SuiteCRM, Zoho, vTiger, IMS Integria) before implementing Dolibarr, because it was the most suitable for the business.
CRM as a feature in NS? If the community decides or votes on a specific one, then yes, but there is no one-size-fits-all CRM.
for info;
Our office Nethserver 6.9 (DHCP, DNS, mail, g/w, print server, FTP, VPN) also hosting Dolibarr 5.0.4
Clients are Linux Mint, a few Windoze desktops all using LibreOffice, and their favourite browser to access the CRM.
I love Dolibarr, unfortunately does not support multiple numbers of invoices, which in Italy is mandatory for electronic invoices to the government.
Here are the commands I used to install Odoo on NethServer 7.0
yum update -y
yum install epel-release -y
yum install fontconfig libpng libX11 libXext libXrender xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi wkhtmltopdf yum-utils -y
yum install postgresql-server -y
postgresql-setup initdb
systemctl enable postgresql
systemctl start postgresql
yum-config-manager --add-repo=https://nightly.odoo.com/10.0/nightly/rpm/odoo.repo
yum install odoo -y
systemctl enable odoo
systemctl start odoo
yum install nano -y
yum install python-unicodecsv -y
nano /etc/odoo/odoo.conf
— Modify this line with your password
admin_passwd = your_new_admin_password
systemctl restart odoo
nano /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
— Add this line at the end of file
host all all md5
config set odoo service status enabled TCPPorts 8069 access green,red
signal-event firewall-adjust
signal-event runlevel-adjust
systemctl enable odoo
systemctl restart odoo
Open your favorite browser and navigate to http://yourdomain.com:8069 or http://server-ip:8069 and create your database.
Add modules in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/odoo/addons
Your´ŕé´á´ǵéńíúś- thank you so much. thats absolutly great.
I successfully installed Odoo 10 on NS7 without too much problems if I remember correctly. It was some months ago though. No problem since then, we currently mainly use the POS module on a weekly basis (selling beers
However, aside technical facts, since then I discovered some disturbing news around Odoo and the way they moved away from true Open source to some kind of mixed and restrictive license scheme. They lost most if not all their community at the same time. That’s a shame since they had a strong base up to version 6.
The project is great however and strongly supported by investors and will probably survive that. But I wouldn’t be surprised if an agressive fork start in the next months.
That said, Open source is alway a moving target and I guess making it available as an easy to install module wouldn’t involve so much effort.
I´ve also experiences with Zoho and Tryton- not very enthusiastic. So far Odoo gave me the best impression, but you´re right, that a personal purpose of course. Really disturbing is #pagaille [quote=“pagaille, post:9, topic:7593”]
since then I discovered some disturbing news around Odoo and the way they moved away from true Open source to some kind of mixed and restrictive license scheme. They lost most if not all their community at the same time. That’s a shame since they had a strong base up to version 6.
So lets see.
Interesting discussion Thomas, thanks for starting it. I tag also @marceloeng here.
Looking at @Enzo instructions it doesn’t seem too complex. Who wants to give it a try? Building a new simple module?
I’m sure that @dnutan @areguera and @stephdl can help you along the way.
That’s a great starting point: developer:developer_howto [NethServer Wiki]
I saw that many times, do you have any link to point out?
very cool!
I would applaud a CRM module for NS but we have to choose very carefully what CRM to choose. If you start with such an application you want to be assured that availability and updates are guaranteed for a long period of time. If a project decides to change the rules (read: license) you are either looking at changing with a LOT of work (if possible to migrate) or having to go along with changes rules/license. Both options are not too appealing to me.
good points
so what do you suggest- keeping in mind, that NS with active directory is on a way, if implementing such things like a CRM/ERP and a webOffice Suite really could revolutionize SBS Systems for small and medium businesses.
Think alone of the costs for these software commercially and the hardware for it. And it is not only a burden of stuff cost it is also a ecological burden we are talking of- alone the client systems could be super slim and therefore also durable. And finally the only ones that could take profit would be Technicians and Administrators- setting up and managing these Systems.- Just dreaming