NS8 >> stats.grafana.org

NS8 produces massive DNS-requests to this subdomain.

Is it possible to disable this behavior on the NS8-Server?


core1 Knoten 1 3.4.1
ldapproxy1 Knoten 1 1.1.0
loki1 Knoten 1 1.2.2
samba1 Knoten 1 2.3.0
traefik1 Knoten 1 2.2.5
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Do you have Grafana installed on the NS8?

It seems some of it’s plugins want to send usage stats. It could also be loki…


Here are methods for disabling it for loki:

Thank you Markus
No, I don’t have installed Grafana.

As workaround I added stats.grafana.org to /etc/hosts.

@davidep @stephdl
The dev’s should disable it by default. I am surprised that such a long-known mistake has not been corrected in the meantime.

Sincerely, Marko

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It can be disabled in loki:

runagent -m loki1

Edit loki config file:

nano ../loki-config.yaml

and add following content after auth-enabled: false:

auth_enabled: false

  reporting_enabled: false
  usage_stats_url: ""

Restart loki-server:

systemctl --user restart loki-server
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I had already tried this also in the meantime.

root@daho-ns8:~# runagent -m loki1 podman exec -ti loki-server vi /etc/loki/local-config.yaml

But the loki-config.yaml is write-protected.

runagent -m loki1 podman exec -ti loki-server ls -sla /etc/loki/local-config.yaml
     4 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          1835 Nov  5 07:46 /etc/loki/local-config.yaml
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You’re running it from inside the container.
The loki container by default doesn’t login as root user when using podman exec. You could use podman exec -ti --user 0:0 loki-server sh to enter as root, then the file should be writable.
But that’s not necessary, the config file is in /home/loki1/.config/loki-config.yaml, it should work as in the instructions I posted.

In one line:

runagent -m loki1 nano ../loki-config.yaml

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Ahhhh. Thank you!
So I was almost on the right track. But only almost. :rofl:

I summarize:

runagent -m loki1 nano /home/loki1/.config/loki-config.yaml

auth_enabled: false

  reporting_enabled: false
  usage_stats_url: ""

Restart loki-server:

runagent -m loki1 systemctl --user restart loki-server
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You’re welcome, please report if it worked.

It was the right way but this is a special case.

I can confirm, it works.

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same problem here but the workaround leads to
File “/usr/local/bin/runagent”, line 92, in
os.execvp(args.COMMAND, [args.COMMAND] + args.ARGS)
File “”, line 574, in execvp
File “”, line 616, in _execvpe
File “”, line 607, in _execvpe
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
any other ideas?