NS8 +SAMBA on VPS - Add virtual interface

I think the best way is to add a virtual dummy interface as we did in NS7.

Debian instructions

To add the dummy interface either create the file /etc/network/interfaces.d/dummy or just use the file /etc/network/interfaces to add the following:

auto dummy0
iface dummy0 inet static
pre-up ip link add dummy0 type dummy
post-down ip link delete dummy0

To setiü loading the dummy module at boot, execute following command:

echo dummy > /etc/modules-load.d/dummy.conf

To load the module now:

modprobe dummy

To restart the network:

systemctl restart networking

Check interfaces:

ip a

The new dummy interface should be there.

RHEL instructions

Instructions for RHEL Distros like Rocky and Alma about the creation of the virtual interface are in the old wiki.


I corrected the instructions and added

post-down ip link delete dummy0

to the dummy interface to correctly remove dummy0, else restarting the network won’t work.