NS8 Roundcubemail mail error

Trying to connect to Roundcubemail gives me “An internal error occurred”.
The log says “DB Error: … Table ‘roundcubemail.session’ doesn’t exist.”
I think that’s why. The roundcubemail folder in the mysql_data container looks pretty empty so as if the installation of the app would not install any mysql tables at all. But in a previous installation it looked the same.
Is there a way to postinstall the missing table or do I need to reinstall the whole app?

Hi @rasi

I had same problem on Debian-12.

[1:roundcubemail1:roundcubemail-app] ERROR: Failed to connect to database
[1:roundcubemail1:roundcubemail-app] Failed to initialize/update the database. Please start with an empty database and restart the container.
[1:roundcubemail1:roundcubemail-app] errors: <5c0d2a3b> DB Error: [1146] Table 'roundcubemail.session' doesn't exist


There is a file ‘mysql.initial.sql’ in two of the containers. But I do not know how to deal with it. Does anybody else know?

what are the resources of your hypervisor/VM ?

The resources? A 32 GB disk and 4 GB RAM.

ssd sata or nvme, spinning drive ?

how many core to the VM ?

Proxmox virtual scsi, 2 cores. With nextcloud, collabora, minio and mail installed there are still plenty of resources left.

It’s just a mistake in the maria-db modules. The roundcubemail database is not initialized.

sometimes with slow hypervisor we have some unexpected issue, for your information I launched roundcubemail today without issue :confused:

Good for you. Unfortunately that does not help me.
Since all other modules install without a problem, I think that there is something wrong with roundcubemail.

maybe could you try to install a new instance please

I use 8G on ssd nvme pcie4 with 4 cores

on rocky9.2 today

will try debian tomorrow

Hi @stephdl

Will you use Debian-12 minimum ?


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Will try for sure debian12 (minimal)

Salut Stéphane,

Will you need bridge-utils ?


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On proxmox yes I got an Ip from the lan but on my laptop with kvm I use the nat network

Salut @stephdl

By default, bridge-utils is not installed on Debian-12 (minimal).


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Afaik we do not need it on a vm

As I was expected, no issue at all on debian 12

  1. install the domain tested on openldap
  2. configure the domain and the administrator
  3. install the mail server
  4. configure the mail server to set the first domain
  5. configure roundcubemail (set FQDN and the mail server)
  6. go to the FQDN with your browser
  7. login with administrator
  8. enjoy

I suppose that you have not enough resources to run NS8 :confused:

will check something inside the ns8-roundcubemail but this is the resources I used for my VM (

4 cores 8 RAM and 64GB on nvme pcie4

my virtualizor is i5-1135G7 32GB RAM and nvme pcie4