NS8 Roundcubemail mail error

The assumptions are all wrong. I found out the real reason and the solution.
The roundcubemail log said at one point: ‘roundcubemail ERROR: Error in DDL’
I googled and found that this error appears after an update of the database schema.
Now, after the installation of the roundcubemail instance there were 4 files in the mariadb folder: cache_shared.frm cache_shared.ibd system.frm and system.ibd.
I moved them out of the way and restarted the instance. After that I had new files in this folder and among them cache.frm and cache.ibd instead of cache_shared.frm and cache_shared.ibd.
Roundcube works now flawlessly!


Hi @rasi,

I have the same files.


And does it work? If not, do what I did. Then it will work.

Hi @rasi

I deleted the files then reboot.

The Rouncubemail login page was displayed but unable to login.

Uninstalled and reinstalled and it gave “Oop something went wrong”

Enough, I am waiting for September Beta-2.


Did you properly connect roundcubemail with your mail server in the settings?
Otherwise roundcube does not know any accounts.

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There is a new problem in ns8 beta 2: The list of domains in the roundcubemail settings is empty. So rc cannot be configured.
I tested it with two instances, it’s every time the same.

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