NS8 MintHCM App


Am having issues with permissions error

How can i solve this issue
the github link repo

@stephdl @oneitonitram

Help out if anyone knows a way out

You use the root password not sure it is good

For the permission issue you could try :z at the end of the volume mount


Just curious, does this mean that everybody who can access github can find the maridb user / password in plain text can attack the FQDN of MintHCM instance to access mariadb? If so, is this the case with all github hosted modules/apps?

e.g. line 22 here ns8-sogo/imageroot/systemd/user/mariadb-app.service at main · NethServer/ns8-sogo · GitHub

Just checked the rest of the web based modules, all expose the user/pass. Paranoid me?

Most apps are rootless, only expose ports via traefik and there’s also selinux. Here are more details:

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So not to worry? For in the link the question is also about better secret management for app/application/modules (confusing these different names)

Once installed and configured, use admin / minthcm to login as admin.

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No, usually an app can just reach it’s own database which isn’t reachable from public and runs in a user environmenr.
Docker has the same issue that in the end you have the password in clear text as environment variable in a container no matter which secrets tool/approach you use but docker runs it’s containers as root and is widely used.

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Am having issues creating the minthcm module i am getting a database error

Database error. Please check suitecrm.log for details.MintHCM installation completed!

who can help me out here

Also is this an issue or can some one confirm for me this

No real help but:

I installed the module
I could access the settings page and setting FQDN, certificate and https switches and save it
I could access the provided FQDN where I saw the process of automatic configuring steps
I was presented the login page, but did not know the login details for they are not documented
I removed the module according the instruction
I re-installed the module (minthcm2)
I could go to the settings page and set the details again
I could NOT go the FQDN for I get a bad gateway message
The status page shows that the elastic service is not running

I also saw a mariadb message that connection failed (I guess the minthcm service)

I got the feeling that there is some leftover from the first install, although I have no proof of that. I removed the module again.

Sorry, that’s all.


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Also i have noticed this error on the logs

Let me try to see the issues

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I tried again, (attempt 3). Still a bad gateway, elastic is active but now hcm app is inactive.

If I search the log on ‘fail’ ‘error’ and ‘connect’ I see a lot of errors.

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Okay am trying to resolve the issues soon i will be launching a pre release

You can try now a fresh installation and give responses and feedbacks

This starts with the setup wizzard which requires all the mariadb, elastic etc details.

This should have been done automatically just like in the previous version?

On my end it did that automatically
But let me check
have you procedeed with the intallation

Nope, stuck at the manual install steps for I do not know all details and I believe it should have been automatically done.

Let me check the issues then will notify

Sure, and while you are at it, maybe you want to check some wording/branding of the module. ‘Kickstart’ is still present in several (UI) places.

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