MAjority of the app that we have on NS8 do have their database and othe rpasswords exposed in the source code of the given module, either on the services files, or in the configure module files.
Majority of the application than have requirements for a secret key, or some encryption, we do generate this at runtime or during installation.
While this is a feasible option, it may not be viable for things like database username and password.
Equally, a User might have the need to retrive and make use of the DB credentials for the given application.
is there a plan for a proper secrets manager for the applications implemented into the Nethserver Apps.
My thoughts are.
We can Have Defined Variables within the Apps themselves, Which the USer would be able to have setup from their Dashboard, and retirve of view them from the same.
This could be an integrated solution, or a thrid party module specifically engineered to handle NS8 use cases.
Potential Options Include, but Not Limited to
1 Hashicorp VAult
2) Infisical
Alternatively, we could have them automatically generated and stored in the built-in Redis and provide the users with a Redis explorer App, for retrieval of the said credentials should they be required
And many others,
Was there a plan by the @dev_team to support something better for handling these many credentials for the different apps we have