NS8-Calibre-web Application

Inspired for by the @education_team members and this thread request here: Education applications wishlist - Feature - NethServer Community

As an NS8 Tribute to: Howto install Calibre Content Server - Howto - NethServer Community

I am Happy to Announce that we now Have Calibre We Server Available as a Nethserver 8 App

add-module ghcr.io/geniusdynamics/calibre-web:latest 1

Access the Installed Application from the Top Right Menu, the Book Icon


Add the Hostname Settings for the Application


Confirm All is well Under status

Access the Web interface:

Default USername and PAssword
USername: admin
Password: admin123

On First Login,
Add the Database Configuration

it is supposed to be

BAsically Calibre Web assumes you already have an existing Calibre Library, Which needs to be Mounted/ Stored into the Same location of the container.

@stephdl How could i provide an easier option for users to upload their existing calibre libraries into the conatiner volume folder?


the system has LDap support

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I think someone saw my frustrations from this post here and Decided to come to my rescure.

After reading a post from here, a wonderful website by the way

I came across a tool that make sit easy to Upload and automate importation of Calibre ebooks into calibre web: crocodilestick/Calibre-Web-Automator: A simple tool to give Calibre-Web the Auto-Import and Auto-Conversion Functionality. Fully automate and simplify your eBook set up. (github.com)

Ill be looking into ways this could be implemented into or to work with the calibre web App we have for NS8, to make it easy to add ebooks

Any help from the community is highly appreciated

UPDATE: LAtest versions here Release Version 1.2.0 - Cover Heaven & New Super Easy Install! :tada::books::whale2: · crocodilestick/Calibre-Web-Automator (github.com)

Implement a Docker compose based installation.

    image: crocodilestick/calibre-web-automated:latest
    container_name: calibre-web-automated
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=100
      - TZ=UTC
      - /path/to/config/folder:/config
      - /path/to/the/folder/you/want/to/use/for/book/ingest:/cwa-book-ingest
      - /path/to/your/calibre/library:/calibre-main # Point to your Calibre config folder not the 'Calibre Library' folder directly
      - /path/to/where/you/keep/your/books:/books #Optional
      - /path/to/your/gmail/credentials.json:/app/calibre-web/gmail.json #Optional
      - 8084:8083 # Change the first number to change the port you want to access the Web UI, not the second
    restart: unless-stopped

Thnx a lot Martin. Can’t wait to see this improved Calibre Web Automated working on NS8.
If you have a pre- or testrelease, let me know and I gladly help testing.