Not able to install on OVH VPS

I cant install nethserver 6.7 on ovh vps with centos 6.7.
I follow the nethserver install doc so i sent

yum localinstall -y


I see no error after installation but the servers http service and ssh service are off so i cant find the nethserver on ip address https://…:980

ip addr

db networks show

i’m not an expert I probably did something wrong

Thanks in advance

Hi, try to ping google from your installed server? Is your ip is reachable from internet?

Oh as far as i see, your network config is not right.

Please specify correct network mask and gateway.

hi, the ip isnt reachable from internet

Please recheck network config, that you can grub from OVH self care.

do not be shy , show all route table :slight_smile:

Have you finished your setup ?

sorry but i dont know the command i’ m very starter with linux :hatching_chick:

We can shedule teamviewer session, if you want.

I think it might be a good idea thank

@nas solves the problem, thank you…

The problem was in nerwotk provisioning as usual, i have changed
db network setprop eth0 bootproto dhcp
and run

signal-event interface update

HI @filippo_carletti @alefattorini @stephdl @giacomo

So we need a dhcp option on network interfaces.
In the case of IP UNNUMBERED, static IP entry does not work, because IP is in /32 subnet and GW in another subnet.


Please add here :

ip ro
ip addr

Thank you in advance.

So you would dhcp option on green interface?

On all interfaces, in code there is bootoption dhcp but on WebUI we have not.

Maybe someone have dhcp in Vlan (provider gave only vlan. )

Having DHCP on green interfaces doesn’t make sense to me.
NS is a server, and as any server, should have a static IP.
Also the implementation probably has unexpected behaviors and side effects.

I don’t see any reason also on blue and orange interfaces.

But how about system with one interface and it is always green?
Like systems in Cloud or on VPS.
So we need the option to switch to DHCP, even only one Button for switching protocol to DHCP.