Nextcloud 21 is here and needs your tests

Hi Mark,

Did you erase ‘ClamAV’ in the translation of ‘About’ ?
In that case, it should be ok !


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Is it possible to make the NC-configuration-settings in the e-smith-action ‘nethserver-nextcloud-occ-conf’ configurable and not ‘hardcoded’ ?

Every time nethserver-nextcloud-occ-conf is executed, the configurable NC-settings get overwritten bij hardcoded settings in nethserver-nextcloud-occ-conf.

Ex. I want the ldaploginfilter for AD to be (&(&(|(objectclass=person)))(|(samaccountname=%uid)(|(displayName=%uid)(givenName=%uid)))), but it will be ‘(&(&(|(objectclass=person)))(|(sAMAccountName=%uid)(userPrincipalName=%uid)))’ after execution of nethserver-nextcloud-occ-conf.

Perhaps it can be made configurable via the Nethserver-configuration-db.



Yes, that is what I did… looking at other translations they seem to be this generic…

Still take the opportunity to encourage you to contribute at the Dutch translation…
I’m not the right person for this, besides being dyslectic, do not use Dutch in the digital space (not for linux, windows or on my phone)

this happens here, without commenting it is possible or asking for a (code) solution, can you think a bit which db entries your are looking for ?

Simple solution can be to give the user the opportunity to it as one string ie:


However doubt if this suits other users too, you need to have a lot of knowledge of LDAP/AD queries to compose this… :thinking:

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I understand what you describe could be an issue.
IIRC, occ command allows to create and use a new conf profile (different than the default one called s01 and used by NethServer conf).

@Andy_Wismer, I think to recall you use custom filters as well. How do you handle it?

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what settings is overwritten, could you open a new topic to talk on it, please ping me to watch it


Hi Marc

Sorry for my late answer, but I had to go out in the heat shopping…

I do use custom filtering, but my goal is a bit different…

I wanted to filter out irritating system users from the user list shown in Nextcloud. It’s hard to explain to clients for what all those (Samba / Windows) System users / groups are doing in NC… They’re not needed in NC and are there just because NC uses AD Authentification…

So I use a Nethserver-AD group called nextcloud-users, and that is the basis for any user (group) to be displayed in NC (eg for sharing). So no confusing system users to explain to my clients… :slight_smile:

My 2 cents

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It’s a bit confusing. After the upgrade to Nextcloud 21 I have 2 mysql databases in the system. The one in /var/lib/mysql contains the old db used by nethserver.
And where sits the other one? “/opt/rh/rh-mariadb105/root/bin/mysqlshow --socket=/var/run/rh-mariadb105-mariadb/nextcloud-mysql.sock” gives me the correct answer. But how can I backup the nextcloud database? I use the app quick notes which get saved in the database. So it would be good to know where that is.

Thanks for answering this stupid question :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not a stupid question but if you have two databases you failed to upgrade, could you check the messages logs and show us the content of the upgrade (please use a gist to display the log message lines )

Gist? What is that? Never did this before. :upside_down_face:


Nextcloud 21 has been released.

@rasi you can eventually upload a text file here with the content of the log :slight_smile:

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Do you mean 2 nextcloud databases, or do you mean one database nextcloud at the new mariadb 105 and all other nethserver databases at the old place mariadb 55?

I mean the nextcloud database at the new mariadb 105 and all other nethserver databases at the old place mariadb 55. Why is that?

I used the testing upgrade.

Or the latest updated nethserver and also nextcloud, everything seems to work but I can no longer log in with admin with the default password Nethesis, 1234

this is normal we just upgraded the nextcloud database, others are still running on mariadb55

Hi stephdl ant other,

after updating to the final version, I now have these warnings in the log:

There are some errors in your system configuration.

Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information can be found in our documentation. (List of invalid files … / Analyse again…)

Your web server is not properly set up to resolve “/ocm-provider/”. This is most likely related to a web server configuration that has not been updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration with the supplied rewrite rules in “.htaccess” for Apache or those provided in the Nginx documentation on its documentation page. On Nginx, these are typically the lines beginning with “location ~” that need an update.

Your web server is not properly set up to resolve “/ocs-provider/”. This is most likely related to a web server configuration that has not been updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration with the supplied rewrite rules in “.htaccess” for Apache or those provided in the Nginx documentation on its documentation page. On Nginx, these are typically the lines beginning with “location ~” that require an update.



The integrity check error is because of pdf viewer patch, see Nextcloud 21 is here and needs your tests

The ocm/ocs provider/well-known path errors could be because SoGo or Webtop are already using the paths.

BTW, I updated two servers including Collabora and Onlyoffice (module versions) without issues.

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Okay, good to know. My question was where the nextcloud database sits. I do not see it anywhere.

Running on a specific mariadb server available only by a linux socket