New look for NethServer 7

Hi guys!
I’m a new member of this community! My name is Alessia and now I work as intern at Nethesis.
Nethserver is in progress and it needs a new look to differentiate the release 7 from old NethServer 6, so I tried to make few attempts.
The rule is “Few change to code for little CSS and graphic refactor. Do not waste too much time doing it”.
I need your opinion about them, can you help me?
Thank you a lot! :slight_smile:

Light polygons




  • Light polygons
  • Square
  • Bricks
  • Net

0 voters


I :heart: Light polygons :thumbsup:
(and the blue highlighted panel on the sidebar!)

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I like very much the blue color on the selected menu item! :heart_eyes:

@alefattorini set up a poll!

Good idea, just edited @Alessia’s post

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Like @alefattorini I vote for light polygons :thumbsup:

I’d like to know if @apradoc has some hints for @Alessia!

Light polygons and Net are my two favorites!

My broth @davidep. Here I’m!

Hi Allesia! My colleague. A pleasure to meet you!

I like very much the proposal, as davidep, detail blue is a great addition of style.

I liked two of the designs for backgrounds: Bricks and Net
But it would be great that the user NS have options to choose from. At least three: Flat, Bricks and Net (for example)

In this order of ideas, I dare to make three proposals in addition to your contribution. I think that would be a point in favor of wanting to be part of this tribe, and belonging to the community.

  1. Being able to incorporate the logo of my company, project or customer to my Nethserver webgui (i. e. intranet escolar)
  2. The logo of Nethserver continue this as a “watermark” of the sidebar (in color or halftone. I like at the base of the sidebar)

  1. … good! extend the side bar to the ceiling lol

I made a few adjustments on the rounded corners to 4 px and blah, blah, blah, … I also like the corners hard light with 2 px radius.

That fine work as a tribe!


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IIRC it is already possible, but cannot find any documentation about it :frowning:

/cc @giacomo


Thank’s all a lot!
I’m very happy you like my works and answer me very quickly.
I’ll talk about your opinions with the project manager!


Oh! this is great!:thumbsup:

I’m already imagining templates from the webgui of NS for Youth and children, for developers of a certain tendency, … in order to, Nethserver it seems to me powerful, interesting, and can also be fun and different.

Here you are the doc:

Thanks to @Stll0 for finding out the doc!

/cc @apradoc


I like Square, I see each brick as a NethServer Module

Voted for Light polygons!


Hi guys!
The poll had a great participation; it’s awesome!

The winners are “Light Polygons” (67%) and “Bricks”(25%) and because of that results, I’d like to do a new poll to select the winner: so I removed the loser images and added a new different proposal.

I wish you like a new poll, please vote again for the real winner!
See ya!

###Light polygons:


###Color polygons:

  • Light polygons
  • Bricks
  • Color polygons

0 voters



I like “Square” option, but, if I choose between the first two options, I choose “Light polygons”



“Color polygons” is great, sidebar looks gorgeous! :slight_smile:
Guys, can you vote again? @apradoc @jim @bwdjames @GG_jr @MvL @Gianni_Bassini @davidochobits @Crazyusb


I like the both the Light Polygons and the Color Polygons. The reason I chose the Light Polygons over teh Color Polygons is that I prefer the round shapes of the Light Polygons.

If one could combine the Light Polygons with the Color Polygons to get the same round/circular effect of the shapes in the sidebar, I believe that this would be a winning combination.