Nethserver-wordpress with rh-php72

I would like to experiment wordpres with php72-scl

yum install

please test the upgrade, rh-php72 will run on port 7272, you can still modify the php settings by the same command

[root@ns7loc8 ~]# config setprop wordpress MaxExecutionTime 120 MemoryLimit 256M PostMaxSize 64M UploadMaxSize 128M
[root@ns7loc8 ~]# signal-event nethserver-wordpress-update
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Installed perfectly on a fresh NS7.6 with latest patchlevel.
No remarks that php is too old… :slight_smile:
Anything that needs further testing?

Well I did not find all dependencies in rh-php, maybe a test on real wordpress would be nice, for example does wordpress can send email when a comment is made

Hi Stéphane,

All my systems use PHP Collection and all my WordPress sites use PHP-7.2.

I have comments disabled but:

  • WooCommerce can send email if new order gets in.
  • WordPress sends me email if updates are available.
  • Wordfence send alerts when it finds a problem.

I do not use PHP-7.3 because I had problem with some softwares before.



From which collection do you use, remi alone, remi with my rpm php-scl or centos software collection?

Hey Steph

If its possible could you please also add the option for debugging: wp_debug and wp_debug_log?
Also max_input_vars would be interesting.

This would make it really easy to work with certain websites / themes.

Hard to cover all settings, sure if i made with maxinputvars, tomorrow someone will ask another one. The best way is to make a custom template.

Where the wordpress_debug goes?

Of course, shouldnt be too hard for newcomers like me to figure it out.

Anyway wp_debug is in the wp_config.php same for wp_debug_log.

Thanks for your effort.

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Hi Stéphane,

# yum install -y

# yum install -y

# yum install -y nethserver-php-scl --enablerepo=stephdl

cat > /etc/profile.d/ <<'EOT'
source /opt/remi/php72/enable
if [[ "$X_SCLS" != *php72* ]]; then
src="`scl enable php72 'echo $X_SCLS'`"
pkgs=(${src// / })
uniq=($(printf "%s\n" "${pkgs[@]}" | sort -u));
export X_SCLS="${uniq[@]}"

# cat /etc/opt/remi/php72/php.ini | grep -i Memory_Limit
memory_limit                           = 250M

# cat /etc/opt/remi/php72/php.ini | grep -i post_max_size
post_max_size                          = 100M

# cat /etc/opt/remi/php72/php.ini | grep -i upload_max_filesize
upload_max_filesize                    = 75M


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I cannot find some php rpm even in remi-safe

php-simplepie.noarch : Simple RSS Library in PHP
php-getid3.noarch : The PHP media file parser
php-fedora-autoloader.noarch : Fedora Autoloader
php-PHPMailer.noarch : PHP email transport class with a lot of features
php-IDNA_Convert.noarch : Provides conversion of internationalized strings to UTF8

these dependencies are needed by the wordpress rpm of epel

config setrop wordpress Debug enabled
signal-event nethserver-wordpress-update

it was a hidden feature, I just documented right now, sorry

rss, email, multimedia seems to work with rh-php72

thinking on the future of wordpress, the version of epel will stick on the version 5.1.1 I think, the requirement now of wordpress is php56, maybe it is time to start our folk of wordpress

I can build my version, what I hope is to let the wordpress auto update feature workable.

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yum install

you will install wordpress 5.2.3, you can autoupdate with the internal wordpress update manager, still don’t know what is the best, release each month a new version or let the sysadmin auto update his web application


I just installed this latest itteration in a VM, It installs great.
IMO it would be preferable if an in-application update can be conducted, even though it is (very) different from the normal NethServer way.

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Ok, now I produced two rpms to obsolete wordpress and replace it by the fork wordpress-AutoUpdater with rh-php72

the advantages

We could update wordpress by the internal updater
We are not stick anymore on the version 5.1 due to the centos7 php version limitation
Because we have obsoleted wordpress, even a new version cannot breaks my update

yum install 

I tested the upgrade or the base installation, no issues so far, but I would love some testers, I think the downgrade should be safe, I hope :slight_smile:

the downgrade is smooth, remove wordpress-AutoUpdater and install nethserver-wordpress from my repository

uhm… am I missing something? You say to remove wordpress-AutoUpdater:
yum remove wordpress-AutoUpdater
gives me this:

[root@ns7 ~]# yum remove wordpress-AutoUpdater
Loaded plugins: changelog, fastestmirror, nethserver_events
No Match for argument: wordpress-AutoUpdater
No Packages marked for removal

Anyway, I reverted to an earlier state and now installed this latest itteration… testing as we speak

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wordpress-AutoUpdater is what I would like to test, I think if you upgrade an existing installation, we do not modify files nor mysql databse, so we could downgrade if you want to go back with wordpress 5.1.1. However the wordpress-AutoUpdater will conflict with worpdress because they use the same path to files, so you must remove it manually then downgrade to the nethserver-wordpress of my repository

so in short after tested the new wordpress-AutoUpdater, if you want to downgrade

rpm -e --nodeps wordpress-AutoUpdater
yum downgrade nethserver-wordpress --enablerepo=stephdl

I added this discussion to the wiki

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thanks for the reminder, I still have to find the best approach to maintain two versions of wordpress, indeed I am worry to release a force pushed update to leave the epel version…

  • keep two branches in my git repository
  • keep one branch, but build two rpms like we do for nethserver-mail
  • go to two git repositories

the coding season is coming in my country, I think I could find time :smiley:

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