Today I switch off my Zentyal 3.0 server finally. All services and Data are migrated to Nethserver.
Some notes on migration (Will give for details upon request):
Mail -> imapsync
Calender -> no migration at all
VCards -> Thunderbird with TZPush addon, Zarafa with ActiveSync. Switch off https on Zarafa virtual mail host, export as LDIF, import to SoGo
files -> Transfer mainly using NFS form unofficial Nethserver module (should be official)
music -> sonos links to shares + unofficial Madsonic
shares -> some issues but no “must have” concerned
radius -> still an open issue as the module is not official and it does not authtificate against LDAP
ladp -> fine after some “get used to” issues, especially derived from sAMAccountName vs UserPrincipal name.
phpmysql -> some issues from missunderstanding, e.g. not possible to change root password after installation without influencing other modules (e.g. data backup)
scripts -> using unofficial CronModule (should be official)
-> Some Cron jobs to move or delete backup files from other servers
-> Some cron jobs to parse internal web site and to write data to a mysql-db (homecontrol / radiation system)
Mail -> perfect! Much better than I was used to - however still in some mess arround DNS settings
DNS -> Completly different from what I was used to, do still need some help to understand how it works …
Proxy / Nethwork groups -> still under setup
KVM -> not used anymore. Set up Proxmox VE running Nethserver as a VM
Please let me know if you want me to share experiences on special topics
I simply use a separate share folder “music” and added it to sonos libary. In fact, music contains 7 subfolders:
and I added each of it individally.
The interlink between madsonic and sonos does not work as expected. I found how to set up madsonic as a music service on sonos, but I can not connect. Here I am still searching for a solution.
Yes and No:
Yes, I do still have it installed on my laptop for rare purposes:
I found it much easier to do the setup, especially of the shared foldes
when I work in my home office, I use it to turn on the radio
when I work in the evening AND my kids watch TV I use it as a master to controll the loudness of the playbar
when I forgott my Iphone in the kitchen I am usually to lazy to get it on floor up to the home office
No: I mainly use the iphone or android app as the controller, see above…
By the way - reading between the lines - but I might be wrong interpreting your expectations:
I do not think it is possible to send madsonic / other music sources to SONOS. The access to SONOS using a DLNA media renderer seems to be a closed propiotary system. In consequence, you will allways need to use “the SONOS media renderer” such as the Windows, IOS or Android controller App. In my case, Madsonic appears as a Music service within the controller app, so it is similar to other music services such as apple music or napster. To the best of my knowledge, thoses system do not controll your Sonos infrastructure, but you can play music provided by theses services.
Yes, you have to install a “madsonic service” to Sonos app/software.
If I read correctly, Madsonic would let me exceed the number of about 65000 tracks that Sonos can handle with folder sharing.
However, I don’t know if the limit is per shared folder (multiple folders can be shared) or if it is the total number of songs.
Maybe a (very) late note: IMO it is / should be best practise to have a separate mysql account for every service/database. Never use the root mysql account for your applications.