mini howto wireless network
(on a rpi3: install firmware as described in README in root directory)
show all network interfaces
ip a
Look for your wireless interface (probably wlan0).
This mini-howto assumes wlan0 is the interface to be configured.
Systemd unit wpa_supplicant loads configuration from /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant --and–
edit /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant
# Use the flag "-i" before each of your interfaces, like so:
# INTERFACES="-ieth1 -iwlan0"
setup your network credentials:
edit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf ; and add
start and enable wpa_supplicant.service:
systemctl start wpa_supplicant
systemctl enable wpa_supplicant
check the results: (wpa_state=COMPLETED if authentication to wifi network succeeded)
wpa_cli status
run the config-network script. (this is quite a blunt tool, i don’t know a better one )
wlan0 can be configured in the web-gui.