Hi all, I’m glad to announce that we have a beta relase of NethServer MsSQL package!
We need your help to test it. I write here some info and you can install the package on a testing machine and report your results here.
Install the package yum install -y nethserver-mssql --enablerepo=nethforge-testing
Go in Cockpit Application menu and open NethServer MsSQL settings. You’ll see that it’s necessary a configuration because mssql-server package is not installed yet. Click on “Install package”.
You’ll be redirect to Settings page: choose the version (express is the default and is free) and click on Save. Download will starts (this phase can be so long, depending on your internet connection).
Once the package is installed perform these tests:
4.1. Go under Settings page and copy SA password. Try to connect from SQL Management Studio using the IP or hostname and this password for SA user.
4.2. Change this password with the “Change password” button and then try to connect with the new password.
4.3. Go under databases page and create a new database. Check is created fine. Try to recreate it, with the same name and check you cannot do it. Go under SQL Management Studio and check database is showed.
4.4. Check logs are displayed properly.
4.5. Check dashboard is showing correct informations.
4.6. Reboot the server and check mssql-server service starts fine.
4.7. Connect to SQL Management Studio and try to restore a .bak file.
Note: you can use also sqlcmd utility instead of SQL Management Studio windows application.
SQL Server requires 2GB of RAM, otherwise installation will fails.
Thanks to all!
Many thanks to @giacomo and @davidep for support: you are special guys!
Which version of mssql server is, the 2016, 2017?
I wonder if exists the equivalent of mssql desktop and if this support AD authentication.
Hopefully I’ll try this in an opportunity soon.
For now I changed the input disabled prop to readonly and you can copy also on FF. Maybe later we can implement a Copy button.
Yes, finally I used firewall-adjust.
From interface not. Backup of MsSQL is included in backup-data.
If you want to backup manually you can launch /etc/e-smith/events/actions/mssql-dump-tables or backup database directly from SQL Management Studio or similar.
I noticed there are some problem on restore-config, but I’m investigating on it.
@fausp AFAIK Microsoft SSMS is freely (no subscription required) to download and install on any MS OS. Not sure if the latest version works on Windows 7.
But i don’t know if there’s any DBMS management tool on Linux that can relate to MSSQL.