NEthserver 8 Modules Generator

We are Happy to Announce that there now exists a way through which nethserver developers can quickly generate new Nethsrver 8 Modules

Modules Generator here Release v0.1.1 · geniusdynamics/ns8-module-generator

Takes an Input of an existing compose yaml file, then uses the data within t, to generate nethserver 8 Apps, specific code, which only requires allitle fine tuning to achieve a complete Application.

This reduces Module Development TIme By upto 70%

This Generator was significant Efforts by @kemboielvis22 to simplify and increase our efficiency in how fast we can bring new Apps into the Nethserver Ecosystem.
When launched the first time,

you will be prompted o choose a compose file

A series of Prompt quetions will be asked

Shoutout to @stephdl Who provided simplified and imporved templates to work with
@davidep Who we asked so many trivial questions to achieve this work
@mrmarkuz whose brain we generously borrowed to brainstorm on ideas.
@Shane_Treweek for testing and providing feedback on initial version.

Happy testing Developers, and Happy Holidays All


This is to help making of modules faster.
Hoping in future and in later updates to be able to generate a full module that works out of the box on the initial generation.

As per now the module generates:

  1. services
  2. env variables
  3. Actions
  4. etc (for back up)

For any issues and improvements you can create an issue and will be glad to solve

Happy testing Developers and Happy holidays :partying_face: :partying_face: