Great work guys!
Several translations are missing in some modules (ITA)
I think this is amazing news. I hardly claim expertise but this NS8 looked so amazing in theory, and now a reality. My question would be migration. I havent really used ns7 to its fullest as i have been waiting for this, and i really am only using nextcloud on it at this point. What would be the simplest way to migrate as i would prefer to use Debian vs Centos going forward as i am pretty sure that is an option.
Please help us with translations it’s really easy
NS8 is a very nice product. I’m not really using it’s other capabilities, but it’s authentication systems are perfect. thank you much for releasing such a competent product!
Install at the end of february 2024 an OS which will have securty updates up to june 2024?
I don’t agree with the definition “much better solution”.
Please READ the post before you complain about installing an EOL OS.
The issue is using “PHP/Virtualbox” on NS7, which is a dead toy, in my opinion.
And NEVER was a class A Hypervisor, unlike Proxmox, VMWare ESXi or Hyper-V.
NS7 is already installed and running, and DanB even suggsts using NS7,8, whatever, but on a REAL Hypervisor.
So it IS a better solution.
My 2 cents
Yes, obviously installing an EOL OS was the point of my post. Just like installing an OS that doesn’t exist (NS 9).
2 posts were split to a new topic: In-place upgrade path