Nethserver 8 - I am not able to log into Nextcloud with any email address, but I can log in with same email addresses into Webtop

Nethserver 8 -

Testing logging into Nextcloud with email address I receive a username or password is incorrect from Nextcloud, I can however log in with just the username without the domain.

Testing logging into Webtop on the same Node with the same OpenLDAP provider works as expected, as in, I can log in with either the email address or username.

This is the Nextcloud error I receive with an email address login attempt -

2024-11-28T17:48:35+11:00 [1:nextcloud1:nextcloud-app] NOTICE: PHP message: [nextcloud][no app in context][2] {“reqId”:“vQie7lZ5uVY15Rm72MYw”,“level”:2,“time”:“2024-11-28T06:48:35+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“–”,“app”:“no app in context”,“method”:“POST”,“url”:“/login”,“message”:“Login failed: [i have removed]@[i have removed] (Remote IP:”,“userAgent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”,“version”:“”,“data”:}

I only have one provider and one node in this test.
Fresh installation on Rocky and is fully patched.
In setting up the server, I deleted the first provider set up and then I created a new provider.
Emails are incoming and outgoing without issues.

Webtop seems to just allow just appending the domain that is set in the Webtop app settings in cluster-admin without checking LDAP.

Nextcloud seems to check the LDAP mail field but it’s not filled with a mail address.

To enable login by mail address you need to enable “LDAP/AD Email Address” in the “LDAP/AD-Integration” in Nextcloud admistration settings.

To set mail addresses in LDAP/AD you could use LAM, see also ns8:applications:lam [NethServer & NethSecurity], as regards AD RSAT tools should work too.

Now you should be able to login to Nextcloud using the mail address.


Thanks Markus,

That worked.

Do you know if there are any plans to automate this as part of the user creation in the future?

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The mail LDAP attribute could become modifiable from both the cluster-admin and user portal if future core features, such as Single Sign-On, require it. However, there is currently no timeline for this.


I followed the same process on a different server except not using LDAP instead with AD set up, and found I could not login with full email address.

When running a check from Nextcloud I receive -

User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation):

If you click on “Edit LDAP Query”

the query changes to

It could be a bug.

This one should be a working LDAP filter:


Thanks Markus.


Looks like it is a bug.

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