NethServer 8 Group editing


in NS7 a group can contains groups too.
But in NS8 the group editor UI can edit only the users. When I edit a group I can add, delete users but not group.
Usually a user is in a group like accounting, and the accounting is in the fileusers and printing ,… etc groups.
This is a missing or disabled feature in NS8?


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Yes, it is something not implemented yet in NS8. In the meanwhile, you can edit groups with the samba-tool command. For instance, run

runagent -m samba1 podman exec samba-dc samba-tool -h

As alternative use Windows RSAT tools to manage user and groups.

Be aware that nested groups may not function correctly for group copy delivery in Mail and public folder ACLs.

Card NethServer · GitHub

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Thanks for the answer. I modified a group in RSAT, it was fine (the added group was visible in the group).
But when I add a new user to the group in cluster_admin , the group added in RSAT is deleted, only the users are in the modified group.