Nethsecurity on Promox not boot up

Hi everyone
I follow the procedure on official documentation for install Nethsecurity on Proxmox:

I just copied one by one the command post in the docs i only changed “local-lvm” to “local-zfs” since i use zfs on proxmox.

1)qm create 401 --name “NethSecurity” --ostype l26 --cores 1 --memory 1024 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=0 --net1 virtio,bridge=vmbr1,firewall=0 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci
2)wget ‘
3)gunzip nethsecurity-8-23.05.2-ns.0.0.2-beta2-x86-64-generic-squashfs-combined-efi.img.gz
4)qm importdisk 401 nethsecurity-8-23.05.2-ns.0.0.2-beta2-x86-64-generic-squashfs-combined-efi.img local-zfs
5)qm set 401 --scsi0 “local-zfs:vm-401-disk-0”
6)qm set 401 --boot order=scsi0

When i start the vm i get the following errors:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello, this command worked for me

But i created my vm manually from proxmox UI.

Hi Andrea
I try to create the vm manually with this disk options:

The scsi1 disk contain the image import
But the vm not boot it remain in loop.


Did you set the correct scsi1 as boot disk in options?

Hi andy yes

Please check the image file, could be corrupted.
Check the disk that does not exist before import with qm import.

Start from zero:

  1. I remove all the disk attach to the vm as you can see no disk now:

    2)Check integrity OK:

    3)Import disk with this command “qm importdisk 401 nethsecurity-8-23.05.2-ns.0.0.2-beta2-x86-64-generic-squashfs-combined-efi.img local-zfs”
    4)Edit the imported disk with this:
    5)Enable Boot:

And it’s not boot:

Hi @Denis_Pollini

Maybe this helps:

On my clients Proxmox, where I have NS8 running, but also on all other Proxmox I maintain, all Linux are configured as such, using virtIO drivers for everything:

and here

All my Proxmox are running the latest 8.1.4 / 8.1.5…

The disk type is shown in all cases as SCSI - not as virtIO as in your case…
Maybe “detach” the disk, and add it back in as scsi? The HBA should be adapted automatically, if not adapt.

Hope this helps.

My 2 cents

With NS8 i have no problem too.
My problem is related specific to nethsecurity and zfs.

Yes, but the type as virtio I think is wrong…

If you look at first post in this thread i use scsi but nothing change @sarz4fun tell me to try out virtio but in my case not working.

The problem is that vm could not read the boot disk.

On ZFS, the image “type” must be raw (not qcow2).

yes it is

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Try to create a disk 2gb should be enough.
Set cache to none
Try to import on the same disk and overwrite

Can you screenshoot the hardware tab of your vm with nethsecurity8 on proxmox with zfs datastore?
P.S i try to import the disk and resize +2GB but not boot.

Hi @sarz4fun
i import the disk twice by doing this command two times:

qm importdisk 105 nethsecurity-8-23.05.2-ns.0.0.2-beta2-x86-64-generic-squashfs-combined-efi.img local-zfs

And attach the two disk at the VM and set the boot order in this mode:
I don’t know why with two disk the vm is booting up :slight_smile:

Great, i had similar problems starting importing on zfs.
Could be some issues on importing image on zfs. Don’t know why. Maybe the image was in RAM and not on physical disk with import?
Had some troubles in image upgrade from ui too. Now i do not have any problem.

My last best test Is:
Create vm
Create blank disk 2 GB
Import on secondary disk nethsec disk image.
Boot 2nd disk and do ns-install.
Remove 2nd disk and boot main disk.
Mount remaining space for logging on ui.

Here my setup.

Is there any progess/update related Nethsecurity on Proxmox VE with ZFS storage?
You have done some test?

Are you able to boot the disk?