NethSecurity Alpha 1 is ready 🛡

Oh, now i see, nethsecurity is another product.

Good stuff! :slight_smile:

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I think we should clarify this. NethSecurity is not a NethServer 8 module!
It’s another product, “spin-off” looks fun and correct :slight_smile:
We don’t miss the UTM part of NS7 thanks to it.
Maybe it’s gonna be an opensense alternative :slight_smile: @Andy_Wismer

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You consider OpenWRT a consistent competitor for OPNSense, Alessio?

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Nope, but NethSecurity 8 will be soon.


NethSecurity 1.0

NethSecurity 1.x was IpCop based. Long dead.

Let’s see… if this will survive the claimings.

So what is the official versioning schematics then please?

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The default root password is burried in the docs: Nethesis,1234

The same of all other projects.

Great, will there be some kind of Linux Installation, for testing purposes in VirtualBox?

Following this with interest. Currently evaluating a couple VyOS VM’s for potential OPNsense replacement, for combo home and homeoffice router/firewall replacement. Use multiwan (failover for the homeoffice vlan and load balancing for the home network), adguard home and currently use WireGuard (road warrior home network access). Would this product also adopt OpenWRT’s option to use cake for qos and how about WireGuard?

Evaluating Linux based options for better integration as Proxmox VM’s and more efficient/faster networking using VirtIO network adapters above 1g.

The answer is yes for the first question.
About the second one, wireguard is already present, but for now you have to configure it using the cli.
In the future we have plan to expose it from the UI.


Is something like Suricata to block hacking attacks and security breaches included also?

Not in this release. We did some tests with both snort and suricata, but we’re still not fully satisfied with the results. But work is still ongoing.
Threat shield is effective in blocking attacks.
And Netify can generate security alerts.


What about iBGP OSPF?

Today, routing daemons are outside the scope of the project, but it’s Linux: quagga can be installed and configured if needed.
Could I ask for some use cases?

I have expirience use frr. I would like get GUI in project NethSecurity.
For use case, I have few NethServer as UTM witch are connected by OpenVPN. It would be convenient to push routes dynamically.

How is the development of this project, still alive?

hello @Francenildo take a look here: NethSecurity Beta 1 is ready :shield: - NethSecurity - NethServer Community


You can also follow the Trello board: Trello

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