Move from NS7 to NS8 - What will I be missing?

Hello @support_team,

I’m a heavy user of NS7 for my small office. It’s been working great for us for many years now. But I’m very concerned with the upgrade process from 7-8. I see may success stories but I’ve also read of issues too. The amount of resources needed now to run NS8 may be much greater than what I’ve allocated to my NS7 VM (8 CPU and 16 GB of Ram).

The list of Apps we depend on from NS7 are:
Domain (AD)
Mail (my employees love Webtop!)
File Server (various mapped drives in AD)

As well we have implemented other apps such as:
Crontab manager

Like I said we rely heavily on Nethserver for all our Office needs! How will the move to NS8 work for us? Can I assume the upgrade will allow all my apps to keep working or will I lose functions as they are not included in NS8?

Any advice for me on how best to approach this upgrade and what I can expect to lose in services would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Just to help: I confirm NS8 with quite a decent load (Apps, Storage, etc) will run just fine with 8 CPU and 16 GB of Ram.
I have clients with higher load (Not using Webtop) but more & heavier Apps.

If you want to discuss options / strategies, starting points, drop me a PM.
You can clarify my questions about hardware / environment and I can clarify yours.
Any results we can post here for the benefit of the community.
My invitation stands. :slight_smile:

My 2 cents


Hello @Andy_Wismer ,

Wow! Thanks very much for your offer of help!!! I was away for a long weekend so I apologize for not responding sooner. I will send you a PM to get some starting help…whatever I learn I will be sure to share with the community.

Thank you!

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