Misbehaviour of ntopng web interface when changing the view in ntop-dashboard

Hi friends,

today I got a ntopng-update to version 4.0 community edition. Great so far. I really like it!

But there is a little misbehaviour of the ntopng site of nethserver.
When I try to change the view in ntopng here:


I’m redirected to the old server-manager dashboard:
I’ve to close the ntopng-site and reopen it from ckockpit, to get to the right view.
Tried it in FF and Chrome. Same behaviour.

Can someone please check this also @quality_team ? / cc @giacomo + @andre8244

TIA flatspin

I’m able to reproduce accessing ntopng using https://<fqdn>:980/hash but not directly on port 3000.
How are you accessing it?

It seems a problem on how ntopng handle the -Z option:

192.168.x.x - - [06/Jul/2020:14:25:51 +0200] "GET /xxxx98f335fa9bc68e8e7848525719be943ff084/lua/rest/get/interface/data.lua?ifid=0 HTTP/1.1" 200 1241
192.168.x.x - - [06/Jul/2020:14:25:52 +0200] "GET /xxxx98f335fa9bc68e8e7848525719be943ff084/lua/switch_system_status.lua?system_interface=0&csrf=1fd4fa6a76223535e378c25d278601de HTTP/1.1" 200 16
192.168.x.x - - [06/Jul/2020:14:25:52 +0200] "POST /xxxx98f335fa9bc68e8e7848525719be943ff084/?ifid=8 HTTP/1.1" 302 130
192.168.x.x - - [06/Jul/2020:14:25:52 +0200] "GET /?ifid=8 HTTP/1.1" 302 -

It seems that it does a request with the wrong URL.

I’d like to totally remove the proxy pass? What do you think?

@davide_marini please try to reproduce the issue and open an upstream bug if needed.

Inspecting ntopng web interface we discovered that changing the interface/view executes the following javascript code:

$.get(`/8f40883d7afe6b780fdb28f3e03dac54bc136203/lua/switch_system_status.lua`, {
             system_interface: flag,
          }, function(data) {
             if (data.success && $form == null) location.href = '/';
             if (data.success && $form != null) $form.submit();
             if (!data.success) {
                console.error("An error has occurred!");

If $.get() invocation is successful, a redirect to / is issued (location.href = '/').
If the user has accessed ntopng web interface through port 980, this is equivalent to a redirect to NethGUI home/login page.

We are investigating further this issue, we’ll keep informed

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From the application button “Open bandwidth monitor app” in cockpit:


I don’t use the old server-manager anymore.

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So yes, you’re accessing ntopng using the proxy on port 980.

Thanks again for reporting!

I just opened an issue for that :

@flatspin thanks a lot for reporting it!


like reported here: Applications: nTopNG-Link with wrong Port# assigned

Bad news ahead: the new stable version of ntopng is broken so we have to wait next release which should be ntopng 4.2.

The problem will be automatically fixed with next upstream release.


Thanks for your invetigations and your effort @giacomo, @andre8244 and @davide_marini.

It’s a minor issue in my opinion, so it’s o.k. to wait for next upstream release. :wink:

Stay save, my friends!