Migrate from Zentyal with single NIC

I have a client with a zentyal server who uses it purely as a mail server.
The Zentyal box has a single NIC
Is connected to the switch behind a Sophos UTM (with TCP 443 forwarded)
Incoming mail is using Fetchmail from POP accounts
Clients are all local Outlook 2016 with 1 or 2 iphones, all using Activesync
SOGo is in place for shared calendars and a webmail portal
Greylist and spam filter as well as a file type filter for attachments and ClamAV

Can this scenario be reproduced on Nethserver?
With a single NIC and fetchmail rather than changing the MX records?
With greylisting and the other security features?

Shouldn’t be a big problem. SOGo is also available for NethServer. If there remains the portforwarding on your Sophos UTM, it shouldn’t matter if you use Zentyal or NethServer.
How are accounts configured on Zentyal? (btw, which version of Zentyal?) Zentyal AD accounts provider? Or has Zentyal joined an existing domain?

If an SMTP port is not listening for traffic, i don’t think that greylisting is possible…

My apologies you‘re correct, I think the greylisting is bypassed by fetchmail

Technically the Zentyal is the Domain controller. However, we don’t use a domain. Clients connect through a simple windows workgroup. The Zentyal is there to provide a central storage for email, calendar and contacts, to share the calendar and provide internal webmail platform for occasional use. Outlook 2016 is the client.
Latest version of Zentyal

@kis2006: that scenario shouldn’t be a problem at all to re-create with NethServer.

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