From what I saw, moodle needs php54 and mysql55 whatever the version you want. This leads to NS7 because you still can install moodle on a ns6 but through the help of the software collections. Of course I cannot provide an automatic way, individual installations are a mandatory here.
Concerning NS7, moodle-3.0.3 is available in epel7, I suppose that the work could start during the NS7 beta stage.
Sipping the word about a mission of promotion and dissemination of Nethserver in Venezuela, I would ask my Venezuelan brother, Rogelio Morales, to use an international postal box that he has.
The address is as follows:
My brother Rogelio (edited)
Good. I took the proposal seriously lol.
I hope we can establish the channel to define the strategy.
(P.D .: At least 1 shirt must be XXL for my Gentoo brother has guided me a lot with this initiative)
Good!! Are you sure to publish this data? You can also send them only to me via PM
Have you already received a “I Love NethServer” t-shirt? I’m going to send you some stuff for your MISSION
I’m available to define a strategy whenever you like
Good morning NS tribe, with the sunrise from Venezuela.
On few days we will have in our taiga knowledge space a post about Nethserver Installation for the School Intranet. like the wiki of Debian Jessie installation
What should every newcomer know about NethServer? in this link said @davidep we cant change by hand. So, the question remain. What I can do to configure the NS in proxmox in one ambient with proxy if I only have the basic module of NS and cant install anything yet?
Well, thanks for u help filippo. The proxmox we have is under one proxy. I know the dns primary and secondary of the network. I have permission to configure the proxy of the proxmox and download anything for anywhere. But I am beginning to work with centos and nethserver. So I dont know where begin to study in order to configure the network in nethserver with proxmox.
NethServer network configuration is stored in a text-only database called networks, so to store/change a value the command is something like:
db networks setprop eth0 macaddr 11:22:33:44:55:66.
But I usually work/test the CentOS way and only when everything works I change the db if needed.