A look at Nethservangelization for my people

Greetings Brothers and Sisters. (For @Alessia and soon also by Roxana :thumbsup: from Venezuela)

Yesterday :calendar_spiral: we were setting up with Nethserver network of one of the CBIT (acronym in Spanish of “Centro Bolivariano de Innovación Tecnológica” = Center Bolivarian Technological Innovation) of the Intranet system School of Venezuela, with the aim of creating a base NS image for other CBIT from all over the country (around +3000 in the whole country) and some school servers assigned to Educational Centres (+10000).

First of all, we are proud that already exist, reported with “Phone home” 18 servers with Nethserver in Venezuela taken of the hand of our brother @jgjimenezs . Our admiration and congratulations from the Tribe Caciquitxs. We want to have your guide to follow your example.

We met then @yondergb Roxana (next member) and my person to configure the network with the guidance of the brother @avalon_linux who is already doing the tests with Proxmox as it indicates ias indicated by the brother @Nas

We did the upgrade to NS 6.8 beta and together with @avalon_linux, we were getting to know the Shorewall to set the configuration of the NAT.

We are very aware of the orientation that our brother @robb can give us regarding the authentication with OpenLdap vital element in an intranet. In addition to learning from your vast experience from LinuxSchool. My fellow tribe know your story brother, and communicating with you makes them feel fortunate.

Here we pause for investigate and follow the best steps with best practices, about which we do not get - in our search hurried - some reference step-by-step in this valuable knowledge base. I am sure that there is.

Our brother @josean7link is aware of this exercise while still documenting in the base Red Hat as recommended by our brother @filippo_carletti

In several parts of our country are looking forward to having to Nethserver working 100%, even one of the compadres, the next member of this tribe, want to do their tests with Alfalfa (NS7Alpha3).

Our desire from Latin america is that the Spanish-speaking us to join to add strength in this initiative, and to create a group where we can enrich this knowledge base in our language. Is that any way to always have with the tribe: @davidochobits @mabeleira @drivemeca @jaimemg and so many others.

I appreciate the help that you can provide us to improve this process of training for the project for the School Servers which directly depends on the implementation of the project of School Intranet.

Don’t worry be happy! we have the Tribe Nethserver