System version
NethServer release 7.6.1810 (final)
Kernel release
LDAP client internal error (AccountProvider_Error_82)
I have ended up with the above error twice now.
- The first time I tried to restart the nsdc service and the service stopped but would not restart. I rebooted the server and it came right. The shutdown took forever though.
- The same happened today but a reboot did not fix the issue this time.
The common aspect of both events was that I was changing the system time. The time was out even though it was set to NTP so I set it manually. Today I had to reset the time since I was 24 hours out. However I cannot be sure that LDAP error happened near to the time I changed the date/time.
So in the mean time everyday functionality is still there but the users and groups screens have empty tables.
Any ideas please on how to proceed to restore access to my users and groups?