For at home and for test purpose I assembled a server with an ASUS H81L-Plus motherboard which has only one LAN port. For the second port I use a NetXtreme II BCM5708 adapter. Unfortunately has the motherboard only an PCI x 16 and not a PCI x 32. The TP-Link TG-3269 doesn’t’ fit in which I have in my pool.
After installing Nethserver 6.7 the second port isn’t found.
With lspci on the CLI I looked which LAN is there
I have some NICs (wireless and wired, PCI and PCI Express) which are not recognized by CentOS. Some of them are recognized after updates some aren’t even after that. In fact, are recognized (seen) but don’t works; it’s a driver issue.
All of them are recognized by Ubuntu.
I will check in the evening when I will go home, to be sure.
I have a PC with some NICs which works with NS.
I will attach also some pictures with those NICs.
Thank you and the pictures of the adapter where I can see the contacts will help.
The only problem could be that I can’t get it in Australia. Someone recommended the Delock 89156 but unfortunately it isn’t available here.
Not every time.
Many time I was only frustrated because I couldn’t find any helpful page. And to search again when someone knows the right page is similar to invent the wheel again.
@GG_jr As far I found information there is a driver for Linux but it looks like it doesn’t work with CentOS.
Finally is the question how much time will I spent to solve the problem with the Broadcom chip and how much time and money will I need to change the adapter. The new adapter with Realtek chip will cost me $14 and why should I bother.