July Community Hangout - Today 17.30 CEST

Last time was amazing!

Can we set up a new community hangout for the next weeks? I’d like to see your faces again:
Everyone can join us to discuss:

I want there: @phonon112358 @wahmed @fausp @daniel.LU @happnatious1 @sharpec @greavette @Fred @pagaille @Bart @des @ghost @ssabbath @Xonline

Any suggestions for the agenda? Just submitted a doodle


Taggin just a few :slight_smile: @ironsky @mabeleira @sitz @WillZen @apradoc @Nas @vhinzsanchez @Jim @jackyes @lvicentini @mark_nl @craaaft @mikabeckerich @Greg @hany @kisaacs @eliezer.axiem @Hunv @bwdjames @a4rgl @Walter_Schoenly @syntaxerrormmm @Adam @firsttiger @EddieA @islipfd19 @flatspin @Jim @bwdjames @FixitFelix @asl @uliversal @EddieA @jlibster @maddin @transocean @edi @greavette @JOduMonT @medworthy @gerald_FS @gondrano @tboston @hucky @Bart

great inititive. added my preferred date/times

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Hi, i have also added my free time dates.

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Ok, I’ve entered the times. But I do not know how much my English can help me … unless we speak in the dialect of Abruzzo :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


also added my free dates… unfortunately not many…!
furthermore, since I am handicapped, my answers during the hangout will not be that fast…

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Wow big audience this time! :astonished: I hope we can find the right date/time

Hi @alefattorini, thanks for remembering me. Have not tried NS for the longest time though. Just lurking here.

Ehi man, can’t you find some time to make some tests at home? We need your knowledge here :wink:

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@alefattorini ,
I don’t see any free time in the foreseen future do to working my day job, working my night job, and going to college full time. However, if the content was video recorded or otherwise shared where it could be watched as time permits I would be interested in watching. :slight_smile:

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Still have no time…been busy here as staff come and go. :wink:

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Thanks guys anyway. Just confirmed our hangout on July 19 at 17.30.

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Set in my agenda… looking forward to hear you guys…

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Could you close the doodle poll? I have the meeting attempts still listed on my calendar…

I’ll unfortunately have to miss it, I have got a company meeting starting at 30 minutes later which I am travelling too.


The doodle is closed.
@bwdjames that’s a pity ;-( I hope you can make it at the last minute

Hi, it would be great to see and hear all of you!

I will also try to join (maybe a bit later).

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@Hunv meeting is going to start at 17.30 and it lasts 30 mins max. I will send you an invite.
People if you want to attend, please send me a personal message :slight_smile: