I see various discussions about one subject( or type of subject): How to improve Nethserver? What to do to the comunity grow? And so on…
Personnally, I’ve submit ideas that could be a way to improve the distro or help the community…
But another way to improve all the existent stuff is to analise what is not gone well or what is slows down, what is against productive…
And I think that this e-smith layer, this template system is really a pain.
Even our documentation start like this: ( it’s a copy paste…except the smiley )
Every piece of software has its own configuration format, and writing
parsers for each one is a complex, time-consuming and error-prone
When Unix was design in the 70’s, all think was done to make things easy: All configuration files was in the /etc
When I was student at the end of the the 80’s, I learn Unix with OS/9, and all was easy, the configuration files was in /etc
Nowaday, Unix, Linux, Solaris, BSD continue o use /etc for configuration files.
When a developper, or a group of developper, or a project made a software… they design the software to put the configuration files in /etc
So this e-smith system is a pain cause of all things are more complex, when a dev team design a software the other Nethserver dev team is redoing the job with the e-smith layer…
Without the e-smith layer all could be easier to devellope, easier to maintain fully functional, and the Dev Team could/would focus on others tasks.
Even every existing software documentation, site, book not apply with the e-smith layer cause of this template system…
Why continuing complicating things? Is better to make things simplest?
What do you think ?