I’ll put my 2c in.
I’ve been building ubuntu servers with packages from repositories, why, because the documentation points to the .conf files, mod the file, restart, done.
Or use, webmin, you guys know what that does.
Point being, I’ve posted enough here about this need, or issue, and most times it means create a file in the esmith environment… wtf?, huh, sounds like trying to do something in Zentyal… only not as bad, Zentyal is bad…
My problem, I don’t have time to sit and understand e-smith, and worse, there are no decent examples, documentation is sparse and all over.
So, if I need a simple mail, file server, especially one I’ll hand over to someone else… NS is good, if I need to do something out of the box, which is often, I have to go back to the basics I know, Ubuntu. It’s a matter of time.
I’d honestly love to understand NS better, but the info isn’t readily available, easily consumable, and I have work / family that prioritizes over learning a distro that’s serves a minor purpose.
So, I like .conf… esmith, not so much.