November 3, 2020, 6:23pm
Hello @support_team ,
I’m probably too early with my question but is the latest upgrade available in the Software Center nethserver-nextcloud 1.14.2 for the upgrade to Nextcloud 20.0.1?
I didn’t see an “Updates to NethServer 7” yet for what this upgrade is for.
Thank you.
(Davide Principi)
November 3, 2020, 9:36pm
No it is just the first part of change of behavior
Main AD: 7.8-2003 fully updated with subscription
installed Machine: 7.8-2003 fully updated no subscription - fresh install from scartch with iso.
Module: NC 19.0.3
I hit the following problem, which is possibly a bug.
I installed a “colabrativ server” as a seperate instance (proxmox-vm), which I joined to the main-AD.
When I installed NC on this instance siganl-event nethserver-nextclout-update failed.
More precise the S30nethserver-nextcloud-occ-conf command failed.
When trying to logi…
NC 20 is likely to be released after NS 7.9
November 4, 2020, 7:44am
Hello @davidep ,
Any proposed dates on when NS 7.9 will be released?
Thank you.
(Davide Principi)
November 4, 2020, 8:33am
It will be after CentOS 7.9 release. This is their schedule
We already started upgrade tests from the CR repository.
CentOS is working hard on the new release 7.9.2009.
At the time of writing, upstream is working on the installer part. You can follow the progress here .
CR repository is available to anyone and we already updated some machines to search for bugs.
Do you feel brave? Update your system and report here!
Just execute:
yum --enablerepo=cr update
If you want to follow NethServer 7.9.2009 progress, check it out on the issue tracker .
Do you think this is a good time for little changes and …
Updates will follow soon
November 5, 2020, 2:26pm
Thank you @davidep . I look forward to the new version of Nethserver and especially Nextcloud 20!