Happy new week NethServer people!
last week I sent out the last NethServer Updates Newsletter, did you miss it? Check it out
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Said that, I have to admit that welcoming our new members every week is really important for me and something that brings this community a lot of positivity. I’m grateful for this tradition, having tradition and rituals is very decisive since it helps to keep things always on track!
If you’re new here, welcome. You are what keeps this community fresh and diverse, and we’re thrilled to have you all join us. Every Monday we give you a chance to introduce yourselves and get to know other members of the community.
Hi Community,
First I want to say hello to all (after I already posted supply stuff ). I am happy to found Nethserver because it looks like a Eierlegende Wollmilchsau as we say in Germany .
I was looking for a Firewall and Router that is able to handle multiple Green Interfaces. I was using IPfire before but you have less options than on Nethserver.
I want to use Nethserver on my Rootserver and at a friend of mine.
One thing I have to solve is configuring Nethserver as http(s) (reverse) proxy. I am a professional on all Windows distributions but I am a real newbie at Linux. So maybe some basics are the first problem. As a long term goal there is the possibility to add some basic addons because I am also a hobby developer - but in C#.
So maybe some new challenges.
And after my first impression: I like this community. That is the reason I am writing this.
Ehi Kristian, first of all welcome here! Nice to see how NethServer German community is growing up day after day
Interesting we should make a comparison maybe someday like these
Btw thanks for your words I see you have already jumped into the action with translations, good job!
Who are you? Tell us about your work and expertise in IT
Hi i’m from italy.
my job is to design in 3D and programming ( vb .net :(( )
What brings you to NethServer? Why are you here?
i’m searching for a OS that need low maintance, solid and long support. So i decided to switch my server from debian to centos, after that i found on distrowatch Nethserver that seems what i need!
I’m from Italy, Milan. I work as IT System Administrator in a Design University.
I’ve found Nethserver one year ago and i’ve started following the oldests releases.
In the last time we needed to change the gateway for the clients’ connection, because the solution that we used was not supported yet from the producer,
So, searching for the best solution i’ve tried Nethserver and i found it stable and friendly in the configuration.
It has a lot of components usefull and it can be optimizzed from your self if you want…that’s cool.
Said that in the last time i’ve some problems related to DHCP configuration and WEB Filtering, but only posting the problems and talk with the DEV team or other experts of the comunity, i’ve solved and that’s great.
It means that i can count on you…and this is not a small thing.
That’s all, i’ll hope to help someone in the future with my posts !!!
I work as a computer technician. Many years ago, I worked as sysadmin for a short period of time. Since then ( more than a decade ) I deal with user’s workstations but no servers at all. To be fair, I’ve to say I’ve forgotten almost everything about servers and networking stuff!
The first time I read about NethServer (2015-06-02) was in an OpenSource.com article. On January I started trying NethServer, stumbled across some other NethServer’s articles (like the ones from davidochobits blog) and have been following the community since then (to me it’s like I already know you ).
As most of you, I don’t have lot of spare time to dedicate to NethServer, but whenever possible I can help with spanish translation, give some help in the forum and maybe some how-tos for dummies.