Installing nethserver on Proxmox


i´m trying to configure my nethserver on Proxmox.

The nethserver is virtualized in QEMU format. I have two installed network cards in my Promox Node. My question is: how i have to configure these network interfaces to make them work with my nethserver?

My network looks like this:

eth0(RED): (Connected to Fritzbox Router)
eth1(GREEN): (Connected to lokal LAN)

Thanks for answers!


Hi @r0g:white_check_mark:
Welcome to the Nethserver Tribe :thumbsup:

I’m in the commitment of the Mission Linux goes to School with Nethserver and from Venezuela multiple partners in the Project of School Intranet have been working on to install Nethserver on Proxmox to create a base image for all the country’s excellent guide brother @Nas and valuable base of knowledge and solidarity of this community.

I invite you to join his followers and once again, I want to give you the most cordial welcome.

Regards :pray:

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Hi, I would recommend using KVM instead of OpenVZ, which has been replaced by LX Containers.

Best regards,


@r0g can you use our new shiny guide just write by @Asrix? He can also help you here.

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Please add more details here: HowTo install NethServer on ProxMox OpenVZ container
So @Nas can update his howto and eventually move it on wiki

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