HowTo install Joomla on NethServer


The following tutorial was based on my Joomla installation needs. For other needs, the settings may be different.

Marcelo Costa

WEB Server (LAMP) with NethServer 6.6

The NethServer automatically install a php web server in the “/var/www/html”. How we need to have access to the web server folder via file manager, you need via NethServer, create a shared folder and enable web access. We also need to make other adjustments to the correct functioning of the web server.

1.Create a new shared folder. On the homepage of NethServer, go to Management > SharedFolder and click the button [Create New].

2.Create a new folder with the name you want (eg: webserver), enable web access by the name of the folder, enable SAMBA, guest acess and set its ACL. With this procedure, it will be a folder created in “/var/lib/nethserver/ibay/” which can be accessed via file manager or web browser (eg: http://IPNethServer/webserver).

For management of MySQL, is used phpMyAdmin software. We can use the module “nethserverphpmyadmin”, available from the “NethForge” repository. The NethForge repository is not part of the default installation NethServer.

3.On the terminal, run the following commands to enable the repository:

yum install nethserver-nethforge-release
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NETHFORGE-6

4.Still in terminal, install the module “nethserver-phpmyadmin”:

yum install --enablerepo=nethforge nethserver-phpmyadmin

5.To view the current settings of phpMyAdmin, run the following command:

config show phpmyadmin

The settings we use are:


6.If the current settings are different from the one shown above, use the following commands to
enable or disable (enabled/disabled):

config setprop phpmyadmin adminaccess disabled
config setprop phpmyadmin multiaccess enabled

7.After the properties defined, should launch its event signal:

signal-event nethserver-phpmyadmin-save

8.After finishing the settings, restart apache:

service httpd restart

9.You can now access the phpMyAdmin, from your web browser
(https://IPNethServer/phpmyadmin). You will need the administrative password of the MySQL
database (root). This password is in the file “/etc/my.pwd”.

cat /etc/my.pwd

For more information and other settings on the module “nethserver-phpmyadmin”, visit the link:
Nethserver-phpmyadmin - NethForge -

Another adjustment that may be needed are some PHP directives necessary for the proper operation of applications, mainly, based on CMS Joomla. It happens that the NethServer is based on a foundation of key data/properties and these values are used to write configuration files. That is, instead we write the file “/etc/php.ini” commands will use to store the information in Nethserver database.

10.To view the current php settings, run the following command:

config show php

The settings we use are:

11.If the current settings are different from the one shown above, use the following commands to
set the desired values for multiple properties:

db configuration setprop php ExposePhp Off
db configuration setprop php MaxExecutionTime 120
db configuration setprop php MemoryLimit 128
db configuration setprop php PostMaxSize 64
db configuration setprop php ShortOpenTag Off
db configuration setprop php UploadMaxFilesize 256

12.After the properties defined, should launch its event signal:

signal-event nethserver-php-save

13.After finishing the settings, restart apache:

service httpd restart

For more information about configuration variables in the database, visit the links:
Db command tutorial - SME Server

After these steps, the web server (LAMP) must be working properly for use with Joomla.

English PDF version:

Portuguese PDF version:


Great howto! What do you think @AbsyntH?

yes it’s a great reference for web server first steps :smiley:

1 Like

Greetings tribe. Especially @marceloeng by this contribution .

Missing just one day to sing the first birthday :cake: of this publication and I do not want to overlook that party . Excellent contribution to the school intranet in Nethserver .

Well, I’ve followed all the tutorial. As brother Michele says is a good start. But within my fanaticism and inexperience I have a question …

  1. Why is my application is not in the /var/www/html ?

  2. In ‘/var/lib/nethserver/ibay/intranet’ I could place symbolic links to my web server directory ?

  3. In other case. How do I handle ownership of the directories in /var/lib/nethserver/ibay ?

My concern is read write permissions on the directories Jokte ! CMS

:book: Then, a day after …

[root@cbit html]# cd /var/lib/nethserver/ibay 
[root@cbit ibay]# chown -R apache:apache intranet/

… Good Morning.
Perhaps this previous configuration , enabling these two item , solve the problem of read permissions on directories.

  • Allow Write owner group
  • Allow reading for all

According to tests it is.

I Stand documenting our Taiga in Spanish . Taiga

After solving Jokte we continue with Chamilo, Calibre and Kiwix. And very important! configure SSO with my brother @robb

Hugs tribe